hi, before starting I have to say I'm really noob about all this arduino, xbee and programming (but unfortunately I chose this project and I really need to do it), so I hope you can help me.
I'm doing a school project, its about measuring, monitoring and recording the car's tires' pressure like TPMS does (I don't know if it records the obtained data), I've been looking for some hardware to try to do it and the way I should do it, but I'm stuck at this point. I bought the following things and I don't know where to start:
5 Xbee S1 modules
4 Arduino Fio
4 MPX5500D (Pressure Sensor) the data sheet is uploaded to the post
4 li-ion batteries
1 real time clock module
1 micro sd shield
1 xbee explorer usb
1 xbee shield
1 arduino UNO R3
1 20x4 lcd serial enabled
1 car adapter usb power supply
4 TPMS spare valves http://www.amazon.com/Schrader-20008-Service-Cadillac-Chevrolet/dp/B002GYQXZO/ref=au_as_r?ie=UTF8&Make=Chevrolet|47&Model=Aveo|2418&Year=2010|2010&carId=003&n=15684181&newCar=1&s=automotive&vehicleType=automotive#
now I know that I should have bought the wireless sd shield instead of the micro sd shield and the xbee shield, but anyways if I need it I will buy it.
now the problems/questions I have is:
- The parts I chose are correct for my project?
- Should I change my 20x4 lcd to another type of output?? Maybe using the screen of a netbook, a laptop, or a tablet?
- If I use a netbook, can I reduce the usage of hardware like I don't know maybe without using the arduino uno r3 and its shields??
- Where I can find info about xbee, sending data, recording it, and displaying it.
- How can I reduce the size of the project
About the pressure sensor:
The designing of this devicen which has to measure the tire pressure and send the data via wireless using xbee, this device has to go inside the tire like TPMS; I have bought some MPX5500D the data sheet its uploaded to the post.
And designed a circuit to measure that pressure (including a separate battery pack), but the size of the whole circuit/device including the xbee transmisor (including fio, and it's Li-ion battery) it's quite big, and today while I was looking for some help on the internet I found a device that certainly will reduce the size of the device:
Absolute Pressure and Temperature Sensor - BMP085
The BMP085 is a high-precision, ultra-low power barometric pressure sensor. It offers a measuring range of 300 to 1100 hPa with an absolute accuracy of +/- 0.03 hPa. The BMP085 is based on piezo-resistive technology for EMC robustness, high accuracy and linearity as well as long term stability. This sensor board supports two supply voltages modes: 1.8-3.3V and 4 to 5.5V (solder jumper selectable). It is designed to be connected directly to a micro-controller via the I_C bus; it has a build power regulator and I_C translator that allow you to use it with 5V applications without permanently damaging the component.... Features: -I_C interface with I_C translator for 5V signals compatibility -1.8 to 3.3V and 4V to 5.5V supply range (one at time, jumper selectable) -Wide barometric pressure range -Digital two wire (I_C) interface -Flexible supply voltage range -Ultra-low power consumption -Low noise measurement -Fully calibrated -Temperature measurement included
So my question is: Is there any pressure sensor like the BMP085 that fits perfectly for my device??
Another question: If there´s no other sensor, the one I chose is able to work fine inside the tire??
I really hope you can help me, at this time I'm blocked.
Pleeaase heeelp meee =( =(
mpx5500.pdf (89.7 KB)