SD storage on 3G + GPS shield

Hello everybody

I am working on a project using cooking hacks' 3G + GPS shield (
I managed to get data from a sensor and send values to a website using this shield.

However, I would also like to be able to store the values on a SD card (as a log, in case the internet connection is lost)
The 3G + GPS shield has a micro SD compartment, however the AT command guide ( that I used to code the internet part doesn't seem to contain any command to create a file and write in it (altough it allow to create and delete directories, and delete files).

So I was wondering if someone managed to write and store a text file on a micro SD card using this shield.
If it is not possible to do it using the specifics commands of the shield, is it possible to do it using arduino's SD libraries (I tried the examples but can get my SD card to be recognized)?

I hope someone can help !

Thanks in advance

i aslo had your same problem. the solution i found was to create the file on a FTP server and than download it.


Thanks for your answer

According to the cooking hacks forum's answers, it is not possible to write a txt file. This seems wierd to me... Since it is possible to wire a camera to it and save pictures in SD, why isn't it possible to write any array of bytes.

Anyway, using a FTP server is not a solution in my case (altough it would certainly work for logging): I already send the data online, but I need to program a SD log in case the internet connection is lost.

I finally bought the adafruit SD shield, which works well and stacks on arduinos. It is compatible with the gprs shield so both can be used at the same time.
Only problem is that I can't manage to get it work with my Arduino Due. But it at least works fine with the Uno.

about your request, i was mailed to SIMCOM last month, they was replied me, there are no function about write data into a file by 5218A(chips), you could manage a file (create,delete...etc.) by 5218A.

i am bought this 3G shield of arduino, too,
and try to sending value to web page (php type) by HTTP GET method,have you success send data to web by HTTP use 5218 ?
could you kindly share your code to me?

in past 2 weeks, i was find some hits for use this shield (5218 chip),
1.current value is closing 2A in the moment of sending data by 3G , if your power supply is not enough, this task will be failure .
2.lastest version for 5218 is v1.38 (AT command set is there ) could use AT+SIMCOMATI to check your version of 5218

i'm looking forward to have your idea!

thank you.