Seeed Studio Round Display with WaveShare RP2040-Zero


I'm trying to get the Seeed Studio Round Display ( working with the WaveShare RP2040-Zero (

To ensure the display and my general Arduino setup is working correctly, I've tested the Seeed display first with the Seeed XIAO RP2040 (Getting Started | Seeed Studio Wiki) base board which can be directly connected to the display:
Using the corresponding user setup ( this is working perfectly!

For reference, that's the PIN connection layout of the directly connected Seeed display to the Seeed base board:

While this is working great, unfortuantely, this Seeed XIAO RP2040 base board does not offer many additional IO ports (you can basically connect the display and that's it) and is therefore not usable for my application. That's why I'm trying to get the display working with a WaveShare RP2040-Zero which offers several additional IO ports.

It is obvious that this WaveShare product cannot be "just plugged" onto the display as the PIN layout is completely different:

Especially the GPIO ports GP26-GP29 would need to be used for the SPI interface and this seems not to be possible (at least not without using something like SoftSPI or so). In case somebody thinks this might still work, please advice, as this would be ideal, of course.

But it should work in my opinion without problems if PINs are connected to the same GPIO ports as it is the case for the Seeed product. So instead of plugging the WaveShare base board directly onto the Seeed display, I connect the PINs manually like this:

When I run now the same code (including same user setup) as I do for the Seeed XIAO RP2040 base board the TFT screen backlight does turns on, but it does not show any output.

I'm still a bit new to this, so I would highly appreciate your opinion what might be wrong here.

I do think that the RP2040 PINs used should now be the same as for the Seeed XIAO RP2040 base board, so I did not change the user config, but perhaps there is still something that needs to be changed to make it work with the WaveShare RP2040-Zero board?

Again, any idea about this would be highly appreciated!

Thanks a lot

Hello, I am also interested in connecting the waveshare rp2040 zero board to a 128x169 screen with st7735 driver

Hello this link can help rp2040-zero lcd

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