Seeking assistance with an Arduino RFID-based medication management system that is failing to enter 'DangerState' and failing to function properly

Thanks for the help but it was never needed in the end.

the pseudo code does probably not help much

I find that having a clear state diagram with transitions and actions helps a lot with state machines.

Here is a small introduction to the topic: Yet another Finite State Machine introduction, may be that could inspire you into drawing all your states and transitions and actions ?

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Please reassure the forum that no-one's life will ever depend on this project's correct operation. It is only a project for your interest or education, yes?

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I love it when such statements are relied on in court when someone is being sued by a user. Be sure the liability insurance policy will cover the costs.

It would better to have a system that just recorded when the medication had been taken.
A daily alarm and box with with tablet in a box with the day of the week on it is the usual method and avoids any litigation issues .
Best to keep away from this sort of project IMHO .

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