send data in thingspeak using ESP8266 Wifi Bee

I'm currently using an arduino uno R3, IO expansion shield v7, and ESP8266 Wifi bee (ESP8266 Wifi Bee (Arduino Compatible) - DFRobot) to pass data in thingspeak. It send data in thingspeak but doesn't send per second, most of the time it send on 8 seconds interval.

#include "esp8266.h"
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"

#define ssid "acer Liquid Z530"
#define password "12344321"

#define serverIP ""
#define serverPort "80"

String msg = "GET /update?key=PTBOO0CTH2ERQRD8&field1=1&field2=10&field3=10\r\n";

Esp8266 wifi;
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10, 11);

void setup() {
delay(2000); // it will be better to delay 2s to wait esp8266 module OK
wifi.begin(&Serial, &mySerial); //Serial is used to communicate with esp8266 module, mySerial is used to debug
if (wifi.checkEsp8266()) {
wifi.debugPrintln("esp8266 is online!");
if (wifi.connectAP(ssid, password)) {
wifi.debugPrintln("esp8266 is connected to AP!");
if (wifi.setSingleConnect()) {
wifi.debugPrintln("single connect!");


void loop() {
if (wifi.connectTCPServer(serverIP, serverPort)) {
wifi.debugPrintln("connect TCP server OK!");

It send data in thingspeak but doesn't send per second, most of the time it send on 8 seconds interval.

How often does thingsqueak allow you send EXACTLY THE SAME DATA?

  if (wifi.connectTCPServer(serverIP, serverPort)) {
    wifi.debugPrintln("connect TCP server OK!");

Why do you (think you need to) connect to the server once a second? How long does it take to connect? How long does it take to send the message?

When I tried to put the "wifi.connectTCPServer(serverIP, serverPort)" in void setup and "wifi.sendMessage(msg);" in void loop. It only send the message once, and the it shows "TCP server timeout"