Servo problems: servo does not name a type

For a school project I was designing a sketch to control 2 servo's with a button. when the button is pressed the servo with arms attached close and when the button is pressed again the arms open. The sketch says: 'servo' does not name a type. I dont have enought knowledge to see the problem, I tried to search for a sollution but did not find one. Does anyone know how to solve this?

This is the code with the problem:

// Set digital pin numbers:
 const int servoPin = 7;  // The number of the Servo pin
 const int servoPin2 = 8;   // the number of the Servo pin
 const int buttonPin = A2;  // The number of the Pushbutton pin
 int ledg = 5; // The number of led pin green led
 int ledr = 6; // The number of the led pin red led

 int buttonState = 0;  // Variable for reading the pushbutton status
 int directionStatel = 0;  // Variable for reading direction of the servo
 int directionStater = 1;  // Variable for reading direction of the servo

 Servo leftarm;  // Create servo object to control a leftservo 
 Servo rightarm;  // Create servo object to control a rightservo 

 int pos = 0;  // Variable to store the servo position 

 void setup() {
   leftarm.attach(7);  // attaches the servo on pin 7 to the servo object
   rightarm.attach(8);  // attaches the servo on pin 8 to the servo object 
   pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);  // initialize the pushbutton pin as an input
   pinMode(ledg, OUTPUT); // initialize the led green pin as an output
   pinMode(ledr, OUTPUT); // initialize the led red pin as an output

 void loop(){
   // read the state of the pushbutton value:
   buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

   if (directionStatel == 0 & directionStater ==1){
   //The button is pushed
   if (buttonState == HIGH) {
   digitalWrite (ledg, HIGH); // led start green light
   digitalWrite (ledr, LOW); // led red is of
   directionStatel = 1;// The direction for the servo is clockwise
   directionStater = 0;// The direction for the servo is clockwise

   // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees in steps of 1 degree
   for(pos = 0; pos < 180; pos=pos+1)
   leftarm.write(pos);  // tell servo to go to position in variable ‘pos’ 
   delay(15);  // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position 
   // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees in steps of 1 degree 
   for(pos = 180; pos>=1; pos=pos-1)
   rightarm.write(pos);  // tell servo to go to position in variable ‘pos’ 
   delay(15);  // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position 

   } else if (directionState == 1) {
   // The button is pushed
   if (buttonState == HIGH) {
   digitalWrite (ledg, LOW); //led green is of
   digitalWrite (ledr, HIGH); // led red is light
   directionState = 0;  // The direction for the servo is anti-clockwise 

   // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees in steps of 1 degree 
   for(pos = 180; pos>=1; pos=pos-1)
   leftarm.write(pos);  // tell servo to go to position in variable ‘pos’ 
   delay(15);  // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position 
   // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees in steps of 1 degree
   for(pos = 0; pos < 180; pos=pos+1)
   rightarm.write(pos);  // tell servo to go to position in variable ‘pos’ 
   delay(15);  // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position 

Aren't you missing a "#include<>" statement?