Several OLEDs and I2C interfacing

Hello there.

So I bought some of these 0.49" OLED Displays, which claims to carry a SSD1306 Display driver, and I want to communicate with some of them by using I2C communication and a SINGLE Arduino (which I will later replace by any other MCU).

On the display manual it says their slave address is 0x78 for writing and 0x79 for reading.

I thought I could use a I2C Switcher to communicate with any of the Displays at once (as obviously all of them have the same slave address) and found this 8 channel I2C bus switcher from TI. Lot of people in the net say it's actually pretty simple to use. Thing is, when entering the slave address of the device you wanna communicate to, it's 4 MSB are not-configurable so, in a few words, you can ONLY SELECT devices which slave addresses go from 0x70 to 0x77 (see datasheet Table 1 on page 13), or that's what I understood.

So, does anybody has ever worked with any of these I2C Switchers?
Will it let me communicate with any address above 0x77?
Is there any other way to do it? I wouldn't like to use tons of 'normal' demuxes to implement this.

Thanks a lot in advance.

I think that the I2C address is 7 bits, bits 7-1, and the R/W bit is bit 0. The address for the switcher is 0x70-77 selectable by hardware whereas the 1306 is 3C or 3D selectable by hardware. If you tack on the R/W bit then 3C (B011 1100) becomes 0x78/79 (B0111 100x). Look at page 19 of the 1306 datasheet. By the same token, if you tack on the R/W bit for the switcher then 0x70-77 becomes E0-EE. Make sense?

It doesn't look like you have the option of selecting 3D for the 1306 with what you purchased so the address for your displays are all 3C.

Those are really tiny!