Si5351 as ultrasonic driver/transmitter

Hi all,
I want to use the si5351 to drive an 40kHz ultrasonic transducer; I already built a fixed frequency transmitter circuit, but I need to adjust the frequency, hence the si5351. Does someone know if it's possible to directly connect the transducer with the clock out pins of the si5351?
Thanks in advance!!

Check page 24 of the data sheet. Without an annotated schematic I would rather not guess. The data sheet is at:

thanks for the quick response, I'm using this circuit:

The Arduino sketch is configured to control all three channels of the SI5351 independently.
Would you be willing to explain the steps I have to take to configure hscl compatible output a little bit more in detail? I don't quite understand the page you referred to.
I'm using this transducer ( and couldn't find anything related to hcsl swing in the data sheet..
Maybe something like this? arduino uno - problem on implementation of the ultrasonic circuitry - Arduino Stack Exchange

There is no ground on the display and I assume since I do not have the data no pull up resistors are present either. Run the I2C scanner and be sure the ports show up. If they do not it will not work. I have no idea how to configure the hscl, I do not know what it is. but follow the data sheets and examples, that should get it going for you. If it were in upper case I would know it as " Hopkins Symptom Checklist (HSCL )"

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