Hello, it's been awhile since my last post, and now I'm onto a new project, sorta. Some background...I built a 2-axis solar-tracking system that uses a tarp motor for rotation, with a LRA of 50 amps @ 12VDC, and a linear actuator with a LRA of 25 amps, also at 12VDC. The whole thing is controlled with a Mega plugged into a PCB that I made to make it easy to connect everything. That and a cheap Chinese H-bridge fit neatly into a metal box, and after much trial and tribulation, everything works really, really well, which leads to the next phase of my learning curve. A programming error led to a burned out H-bridge, and being the incurable tinkerer that I am, I took it apart to see what they used for components: The switches are 8, International Rectifier IRFB3077 MOSFETS, and for flyback diodes, it appears that they are using Vishay Transient voltage suppressors, although I can't tell which variant at this point. There is a lot of other stuff on the board, obviously, but it does a lot of things I don't use, so I don't know what is necessary and what is not for my application.
Enough rambling. My question is, how hard would it be, using the same FETs and suppressors, and using 4 of the PWM pins on the Mega (4,5,6, and 7, to be exact), to build a workable 2-channel H-bridge? I would write the movement functions in the program to avoid shoot-through (I think they call it) situations. I'd also connect the FETs to much heavier copper bus bars and heatsinks, just for my own peace of mind.
Any advice or thoughts would be appreciated. I am able to make double-sided PCBs, and surface mount resistors and caps are not a problem to work with, although I have not tried anything SM more complex than the 2-point stuff.
Thanks in advance.
Oh, I forgot to add that I could spare 8 PWM pins on the Mega, one for each FET, if that would simplify things? (Or not....)