In my project, I have the need for a very small distance sensor with a range of about 2 feet. I have currently been using this IR sensor from Pololu, but I have found it to be unreliable and buggy: Pololu Carrier with Sharp GP2Y0A60SZLF Analog Distance Sensor 10-150cm, 3V (Actually I'm using the 5v version but you get then idea). I am looking for a smaller sensor than this, but is reliable and with a similar sensing range. I have found that ultrasonic sensors are too large for my purpose. Thanks!
Perhaps it is possible to make better use of the one you have. What problems are you having with it?
Perhaps it is possible to make better use of the one you have. What problems are you having with it?
I'm having a very hard time getting accurate readings from the sensors. I cannot find a library that supports this model ir sensor. SharpIR.h only works with bigger ones. Also, a large number of them have also arrived unresponsive or too inaccurate to be of use.
The Pololu engineers support their products, so if they not functioning correctly, you should be posting on the Pololu forum or contacting Pololu directly.
Those sensors work well for me, but I have the impression that you really don't know how to use them. What code have you tried? Post it using code tags (button with "<>") and you can expect some more concrete help and/or ideas.
What do you mean library for an IR sensor. That's just silly, you just do an analogRead()! and maybe convert if required.
Of course if your range goes inside the minimum for the sensor then you will get problems but that because your miss using the sensor.
The ir library is used to normalize the values returned by the sensor. It takes a series of readings, finds the average, then returns the converted value in cm, all optimized for a specific sensor type. I will post my code when I can access my computer.
The Pololu engineers support their products, so if they not functioning correctly, you should be posting on the Pololu forum or contacting Pololu directly.Those sensors work well for me, but I have the impression that you really don't know how to use them. What code have you tried? Post it using code tags (button with "<>") and you can expect some more concrete help and/or ideas.
After contacting Pololu support like you suggested they decided that the sensor was broken. I tried the same setup with a few other same sensors and it worked fine. If anyone is reading this and looking for a good sensor, then the one I mentioned above is your best bet.