smart soccer ball


I want to make a smart soccer ball with Arduino . can anyone help me with this project.?


What does that mean? Is it to solve differential equations? Predict the future like a Magic 8 Ball? Answer trivia questions?

This project is transforming a simple soccer ball to smart soccer ball like adidas micoach soccer ball.

This project goals :

  • Count ball kicks
  • measure ball movement
    -measure ball movement speed

Is this it?

Do you seriously think you have the skills to make one? I would not even attempt this project. This has taken many man years of skilled engineers to produce and you want to reverse engineer it on an Arduino?

Good luck.

Thanks, Mike.
I saw a similar Arduino project, so i want to make a simple one then gradually improve its performance.

Look at the sensors you intend to use first and what information they can give you. Buy and try .

A major issue will be can it withstand a good kicking ?