SoccerBot project with Arduino UNO and Radio Receiver

#Please Help!!

I need code for Radio Receiver which model is FlySky FS-CT6B.
I will a make a soccerbot with following tools:

  1. L298N motor driver
  2. 12V DC Gear Motor
  3. Arduino UNO
  4. Radio Receiver and Transmitter
  5. Li-Po Battery

but I don't have found anywhere the source code for this I badly need this source code for this project where i can control the bot by using the RC transmitter in arduino.

I think generally, the idea is that you write source code.

But if you Google (or there are other search engines) "Arduino RC receiver" it should give you some useful ideas to get you started.

BTW FlySky FS-CT6B is the transmitter. There are several different receivers it can be used with but most of the code you may find will work with any of them.
