software download

I am new to Arduino.
When downloading Sofware, I got a message from Microsoft saying to stop installation, as software had not passed their Logo Test, Not suitable for use with Microsoft, and could corrupt my PC now or in the future. Is this normal. I stopped because I do not want bad stuff on my PC. Am I being over the top, and should ignore this message and commence and complete upload again. Regards. Graham Brislane.

Provide a link you used. It should be within domain. I've not seen that message. If possible, post a screen grab of that message.

I was just downloading from the downloads page. I will try again, and if it comes up, I will try & send a screenshot. If I cannot send a screenshot, I will list the path I took. Should it happen, or is it just Microsoft waving around their big stick?


Graham Brislane.

Probably. If you downloaded it from your fine, just install it :slight_smile: