solenoid valve connections

Hi all,
don't know if this is the right place to ask this so apologies if i'm in the wrong spot.
I'm making a timer for a water filtration system. The basic idea is that the arduino turns 5 to 9 valves on and off at certain times.
I am not very good at electronics so i wanted to ask some advice on what valves to use and how to power them and connect them to the arduino.
Currently i'm working with a arduino uno but the final product is going to run on a arduino nano.
The valves i have in mind are using 240V and 6V, would they work if i connect them to a relay like this: ebay link ?
I am assuming those relays could handle DC & AC? Or are there other ways to power them?
Also i have 5 different valves for the moment, would it be better to connect them on 5 different relays or can i connect all 5 of them on just one relay?
I attached pics of the valves i'm planning to use and i can always ask the supplier for more spec s if needed, like i said, not very good with the electronics i'm afraid.
Thx for the advice !

Hi pengocha

Relay board looks OK, note that AC voltage on relay contacts is 250V, but DC voltage is only 30V.

Relay board is described as active low, make sure that works with your logic.

Recommend testing board before hooking up solenoid valves (you'll hear them click)

Also make sure that you have a good 5V power supply for the relay board, it's going to want some current to drive relays. It doesn't say how much power the board requires...that makes me a little twitchy.

connect 1 relay to 1 valve only

Make sure that your valves will work with the water pressure you have and that flow rate is adequate.

Also with finest Chinesium, you might want some spares in case one leaks.

DC valves should have an anti-kickback diode installed on valve (reverse biased across input terminals, makes valve close slower, but prevents burning contacts on relay)

If you don't already, read spec sheets very closely, it will save much effort in the long run.

Good luck!


For continuous use, those valves need water to keep them from overheating. Don't run them dry for very long.


Dear Paul, I recommend you to use this board 6+6T800. It has very good performance and suits your case. It has up to 12 channels (with two boards). Also it has and many features - like protections, indications, feedbacks. So it worth that money. You just need to buy DC (not AC) valves.

more info