I have searched through the forum for a solution and found this a possible solution.
Before I removed brltty as the thread above suggests I just had 'port' greyed out and no indication at the bottom of the ide of a connected port.
I now have Arduino Nano on /dev/ttyUSB0
When I try to upload the blink sketch I now get
avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device "/dev/ttyUSB0": Permission denied
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 1
I have tried both 328p and 328p old bootloader processors.
I am quite sure the nano is good.
Can someone help solve my problem?
"Permission denied" might mean that you need to put your user in dialout group (permissions to use comm ports). (sry... here is the link and the next post solves your issue by removing BRITTY)
Thanks xfpd I worked through the options in the thread to showed and after suffering a lead that is only a power lead and using the oldbootloader version which failed (the nano I am using I had just purchased asd it had the up to date bootloader in it.
I can now upload to my arduino.