Sonic Screwdriver Light & SFx with Attiny85

Hi, I'm trying to program an Attiny85 for a sonic screwdriver prop I'm currently building and run up to some trouble trying to make the microcontroller play a sound file and a light sequence at the same time. I've been checking some other posts that used the same code that I did but none (or at least none that I could find) metion anything similar to the problem I'm having.

The LED has a light sequence that makes a flickering effect and I want that light sequence to play at the same time with the sound but I can't figure out how to do it. If I write a function with the code for the light sequence, and use that function in loop(), the effects alternate for a few seconds like "light sequence plays for X seconds with no sound" -> "Light sequence stops and sound plays for Y seconds". If I comment the delay() in loop(), only the sound will play. I've also tried writing the light sequence code direclty and trying to move things in and out of loop() as well. Right now, I just want to make both light and sounds play permanently for testing purposes, I'll eventually add a button to control them.

My code, looks like this:

//MODIFIED Version of Adafruit Trinket code to give attiny85 PCM capability
//The Attiny will take a very short sound sample that will sound good if looped
//I used the sound of a sonic screwdriver to example this capability
//Crete PCM using a program such as, copy the code right after PROGMEM = {    and make sure that it ends with the };
//I use 8000 as my sample rate as allows the longest soundbyte to be uploaded to the chip
if you change the sample rate, alter the sample_rate value
Otherwise the program will create a looped sound on pin 4 of the attiny85
// Audio playback sketch for Adafruit Trinket.  Requires 3.3V
// Trinket board and Winbond W25Q80BV serial flash loaded with
// audio data.  PWM output on pin 4; add ~25 KHz low-pass filter
// prior to amplification.  Uses ATtiny-specific registers;

int sample_rate = 8000;
const unsigned char sample[] PROGMEM = {32, 242, 67, 102, 211, 46, 156, 163, 54, 197, 94, 112, 183, 56, 183, 112, 97, 187, 69, 158, 136, 87, 177, 95, 126, 164, 77, 162, 129, 95, 164, 115, 104, 174, 84, 146, 138, 101, 148, 129, 103, 161, 104, 131, 142, 107, 144, 122, 122, 143, 108, 145, 118, 127, 135, 119, 134, 125, 126, 130, 129, 115, 148, 108, 137, 129, 123, 125, 140, 110, 144, 111, 145, 110, 142, 118, 135, 119, 136, 124, 123, 137, 118, 132, 129, 123, 132, 126, 126, 135, 114, 145, 110, 137, 133, 102, 169, 83, 157, 125, 100, 171, 92, 131, 167, 56, 200, 91, 106, 199, 43, 175, 151, 42, 221, 93, 72, 244, 26, 148, 195, 24, 196, 132, 62, 209, 74, 130, 174, 53, 199, 89, 116, 181, 59, 179, 115, 99, 181, 76, 151, 145, 80, 176, 108, 105, 174, 91, 125, 170, 72, 159, 140, 80, 176, 109, 107, 169, 93, 139, 139, 104, 150, 114, 127, 142, 104, 152, 111, 132, 132, 118, 137, 123, 125, 135, 122, 124, 140, 112, 139, 121, 134, 116, 143, 110, 143, 113, 143, 112, 142, 115, 137, 123, 127, 133, 119, 138, 115, 139, 121, 124, 139, 114, 134, 135, 107, 154, 106, 133, 145, 89, 177, 83, 153, 129, 97, 175, 86, 137, 165, 51, 211, 75, 121, 192, 34, 201, 119, 59, 234, 54, 113, 225, 11, 184, 165, 31, 213, 106, 79, 210, 60, 148, 162, 55, 207, 75, 131, 173, 56, 191, 101, 107, 184, 65, 165, 134, 80, 189, 88, 122, 176, 69, 154, 153, 66, 182, 119, 84, 192, 82, 132, 156, 92, 148, 131, 104, 160, 99, 142, 130, 111, 149, 110, 137, 127, 120, 137, 123, 124, 137, 119, 131, 130, 122, 136, 116, 143, 112, 140, 116, 141, 113, 138, 124, 126, 129, 128, 129, 121, 139, 115, 138, 118, 137, 119, 131, 131, 119, 135, 127, 118, 145, 110, 137, 133, 103, 167, 82, 165, 114, 105, 181, 66, 164, 141, 63, 217, 54, 148, 178, 26, 228, 90, 70, 250, 17, 154, 201, 6, 216, 121, 61, 212, 79, 115, 186, 61, 166, 135, 79, 193, 74, 146, 151, 73, 188, 91, 121, 175, 64, 174, 124, 84, 197, 70, 140, 170, 57, 180, 128, 75, 193, 96, 104, 189, 67, 157, 136, 99, 152, 127, 102, 168, 90, 149, 122, 122, 137, 117, 135, 126, 122, 137, 121, 125, 136, 117, 136, 121, 131, 130, 117, 141, 118, 130, 126, 132, 120, 132, 131, 121, 132, 127, 128, 122, 140, 112, 141, 118, 134, 125, 128, 130, 123, 131, 130, 116, 147, 109, 134, 141, 95, 171, 86, 151, 134, 86, 190, 72, 147, 158, 56, 212, 68, 131, 191, 21, 223, 102, 60, 252, 21, 152, 195, 18, 208, 119, 72, 202, 84, 115, 182, 69, 154, 147, 77, 180, 96, 126, 157, 82, 168, 111, 106, 180, 67, 164, 136, 75, 198, 76, 130, 175, 57, 178, 124, 90, 175, 107, 106, 178, 76, 155, 131, 105, 146, 131, 99, 165, 98, 142, 122, 133, 118, 136, 122, 131, 122, 134, 124, 125, 134, 121, 133, 124, 128, 132, 119, 136, 125, 124, 133, 123, 131, 124, 131, 125, 129, 125, 134, 117, 139, 119, 131, 130, 121, 134, 126, 122, 138, 115, 140, 114, 142, 116, 131, 138, 102, 166, 86, 158, 124, 95, 188, 64, 163, 143, 60, 226, 40, 158, 178, 15, 244, 72, 91, 231, 21, 177, 157, 45, 211, 88, 110, 180, 79, 141, 152, 89, 151, 135, 97, 161, 110, 122, 153, 91, 162, 110, 117, 166, 77, 163, 129, 83, 195, 73, 138, 167, 61, 186, 104, 114, 156, 109, 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110, 136, 126, 127, 125, 133, 121, 134, 124, 129, 127, 128, 127, 130, 121, 139, 115, 137, 125, 124, 132, 126, 123, 136, 116, 139, 118, 135, 122, 133, 120, 139, 111, 148, 107, 144, 118, 127, 142, 98, 171, 80, 164, 115, 106, 183, 51, 200, 85, 121, 185, 36, 218, 74, 119, 195, 33, 201

int LED=0;
uint8_t hbval = 158; // Original = 128
uint8_t hbdelta = 49; // Original = 8

int fish = 0;
int sizesample = sizeof(sample);

void setup() {

  PLLCSR |= _BV(PLLE);               // Enable 64 MHz PLL
  delayMicroseconds(100);            // Stabilize
  while(!(PLLCSR & _BV(PLOCK)));     // Wait for it...
  PLLCSR |= _BV(PCKE);               // Timer1 source = PLL

  // Set up Timer/Counter1 for PWM output
  TIMSK  = 0;                        // Timer interrupts OFF
  TCCR1  = _BV(CS10);                // 1:1 prescale
  GTCCR  = _BV(PWM1B) | _BV(COM1B1); // PWM B, clear on match
  OCR1C  = 255;                      // Full 8-bit PWM cycle
  OCR1B  = 127;                      // 50% duty at start

  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);                // Enable PWM output pin
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);              // LED OUTPUT pin
  // Set up Timer/Counter0 for sample-playing interrupt.
  // TIMER0_OVF_vect is already in use by the Arduino runtime,
  // so TIMER0_COMPA_vect is used.  This code alters the timer
  // interval, making delay(), micros(), etc. useless (the
  // overflow interrupt is therefore disabled).

  // Timer resolution is limited to either 0.125 or 1.0 uS,
  // so it's rare that the playback rate will precisely match
  // the data, but the difference is usually imperceptible.
  TCCR0A = _BV(WGM01) | _BV(WGM00);  // Mode 7 (fast PWM)
  if(sample_rate >= 31250) {
    TCCR0B = _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS00); // 1:1 prescale
    OCR0A  = ((F_CPU + (sample_rate / 2)) / sample_rate) - 1;
  } else {                           // Good down to about 3900 Hz
    TCCR0B = _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS01); // 1:8 prescale
    OCR0A  = (((F_CPU / 8L) + (sample_rate / 2)) / sample_rate) - 1;
  TIMSK = _BV(OCIE0A); // Enable compare match, disable overflow

void loop() {

static unsigned long last_time = 0;
  unsigned long now = millis();
  if ((now - last_time) < 1) { 

  //hbval > 192
  last_time = now;
  if (hbval > 150) { 
    hbdelta = -hbdelta;
  if (hbval < 110) { 
    hbdelta = -hbdelta;
  hbval += hbdelta;
  analogWrite(LED, hbval);


  OCR1B = pgm_read_byte(&sample[fish]);      // Read flash, write PWM reg.
  fish ++;
  if (fish >= sizesample){fish = 0;}
  if(++index >= samples) {           // End of audio data?
    index = 0;                       // We must repeat!
    flash.beginRead(6);              // Skip 6 byte header

void heartbeat(){
  static unsigned long last_time = 0;
  unsigned long now = millis();
  if ((now - last_time) < 1) { 

  //hbval > 192
  last_time = now;
  if (hbval > 150) {
    hbdelta = -hbdelta;
  if (hbval < 110) { 
    hbdelta = -hbdelta;
  hbval += hbdelta;
  analogWrite(LED, hbval);

Any idea how to solve this? Also this is my first time posting here so let me know If this is the right category to post this or if there are any mistakes relating to the code format and such. Thanks!

...........and that code is where???
Also a lot of detail on hardware etc. is missing which most simply have to take a wild guess about.
This introduces a waste of time literally.

Oh, sorry.
The original untouched code I used goes like this:

//MODIFIED Version of Adafruit Trinket code to give attiny85 PCM capability
//The Attiny will take a very short sound sample that will sound good if looped
//I used the sound of a sonic screwdriver to example this capability
//Crete PCM using a program such as, copy the code right after PROGMEM = {    and make sure that it ends with the };
//I use 8000 as my sample rate as allows the longest soundbyte to be uploaded to the chip
if you change the sample rate, alter the sample_rate value
Otherwise the program will create a looped sound on pin 4 of the attiny85
// Audio playback sketch for Adafruit Trinket.  Requires 3.3V
// Trinket board and Winbond W25Q80BV serial flash loaded with
// audio data.  PWM output on pin 4; add ~25 KHz low-pass filter
// prior to amplification.  Uses ATtiny-specific registers;

int sample_rate = 8000;
const unsigned char sample[] PROGMEM = {32, 242, 67, 102, 211, 46, 156, 163, 54, 197, 94, 112, 183, 56, 183, 112, 97, 187, 69, 158, 136, 87, 177, 95, 126, 164, 77, 162, 129, 95, 164, 115, 104, 174, 84, 146, 138, 101, 148, 129, 103, 161, 104, 131, 142, 107, 144, 122, 122, 143, 108, 145, 118, 127, 135, 119, 134, 125, 126, 130, 129, 115, 148, 108, 137, 129, 123, 125, 140, 110, 144, 111, 145, 110, 142, 118, 135, 119, 136, 124, 123, 137, 118, 132, 129, 123, 132, 126, 126, 135, 114, 145, 110, 137, 133, 102, 169, 83, 157, 125, 100, 171, 92, 131, 167, 56, 200, 91, 106, 199, 43, 175, 151, 42, 221, 93, 72, 244, 26, 148, 195, 24, 196, 132, 62, 209, 74, 130, 174, 53, 199, 89, 116, 181, 59, 179, 115, 99, 181, 76, 151, 145, 80, 176, 108, 105, 174, 91, 125, 170, 72, 159, 140, 80, 176, 109, 107, 169, 93, 139, 139, 104, 150, 114, 127, 142, 104, 152, 111, 132, 132, 118, 137, 123, 125, 135, 122, 124, 140, 112, 139, 121, 134, 116, 143, 110, 143, 113, 143, 112, 142, 115, 137, 123, 127, 133, 119, 138, 115, 139, 121, 124, 139, 114, 134, 135, 107, 154, 106, 133, 145, 89, 177, 83, 153, 129, 97, 175, 86, 137, 165, 51, 211, 75, 121, 192, 34, 201, 119, 59, 234, 54, 113, 225, 11, 184, 165, 31, 213, 106, 79, 210, 60, 148, 162, 55, 207, 75, 131, 173, 56, 191, 101, 107, 184, 65, 165, 134, 80, 189, 88, 122, 176, 69, 154, 153, 66, 182, 119, 84, 192, 82, 132, 156, 92, 148, 131, 104, 160, 99, 142, 130, 111, 149, 110, 137, 127, 120, 137, 123, 124, 137, 119, 131, 130, 122, 136, 116, 143, 112, 140, 116, 141, 113, 138, 124, 126, 129, 128, 129, 121, 139, 115, 138, 118, 137, 119, 131, 131, 119, 135, 127, 118, 145, 110, 137, 133, 103, 167, 82, 165, 114, 105, 181, 66, 164, 141, 63, 217, 54, 148, 178, 26, 228, 90, 70, 250, 17, 154, 201, 6, 216, 121, 61, 212, 79, 115, 186, 61, 166, 135, 79, 193, 74, 146, 151, 73, 188, 91, 121, 175, 64, 174, 124, 84, 197, 70, 140, 170, 57, 180, 128, 75, 193, 96, 104, 189, 67, 157, 136, 99, 152, 127, 102, 168, 90, 149, 122, 122, 137, 117, 135, 126, 122, 137, 121, 125, 136, 117, 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int fish = 0;
int sizesample = sizeof(sample);

void setup() {

  PLLCSR |= _BV(PLLE);               // Enable 64 MHz PLL
  delayMicroseconds(100);            // Stabilize
  while(!(PLLCSR & _BV(PLOCK)));     // Wait for it...
  PLLCSR |= _BV(PCKE);               // Timer1 source = PLL

  // Set up Timer/Counter1 for PWM output
  TIMSK  = 0;                        // Timer interrupts OFF
  TCCR1  = _BV(CS10);                // 1:1 prescale
  GTCCR  = _BV(PWM1B) | _BV(COM1B1); // PWM B, clear on match
  OCR1C  = 255;                      // Full 8-bit PWM cycle
  OCR1B  = 127;                      // 50% duty at start

  pinMode(4, OUTPUT);                // Enable PWM output pin
  // Set up Timer/Counter0 for sample-playing interrupt.
  // TIMER0_OVF_vect is already in use by the Arduino runtime,
  // so TIMER0_COMPA_vect is used.  This code alters the timer
  // interval, making delay(), micros(), etc. useless (the
  // overflow interrupt is therefore disabled).

  // Timer resolution is limited to either 0.125 or 1.0 uS,
  // so it's rare that the playback rate will precisely match
  // the data, but the difference is usually imperceptible.
  TCCR0A = _BV(WGM01) | _BV(WGM00);  // Mode 7 (fast PWM)
  if(sample_rate >= 31250) {
    TCCR0B = _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS00); // 1:1 prescale
    OCR0A  = ((F_CPU + (sample_rate / 2)) / sample_rate) - 1;
  } else {                           // Good down to about 3900 Hz
    TCCR0B = _BV(WGM02) | _BV(CS01); // 1:8 prescale
    OCR0A  = (((F_CPU / 8L) + (sample_rate / 2)) / sample_rate) - 1;
  TIMSK = _BV(OCIE0A); // Enable compare match, disable overflow

void loop() {

  OCR1B = pgm_read_byte(&sample[fish]);      // Read flash, write PWM reg.
  fish ++;
  if (fish >= sizesample){fish = 0;}
  if(++index >= samples) {           // End of audio data?
    index = 0;                       // We must repeat!
    flash.beginRead(6);              // Skip 6 byte header

And I got it from this Instructables page, on step 14, I was looking for examples to see how to play an audio file for the sound effects:

As for the hardware I'm using an Arduino Uno as an ISP for the Attiny85, a regular LED from a Arduino kit with a 220Ω resistor and a speaker from some old headphones. I have the speaker connected to pin 4 of the Attiny and the LED to pin 0.

Not a good recommendation......... however, did you try the original code?

One thing I noticed, you say you used a speaker from headphones, it may not be the same as a piezo.

Noticed only one small schematic which drove an LED which is not much help.
I even tried to download the pdf to see if there were any schematics in there but that failed as well.

Took a quick look at your code and the original....lot of differences...... I think the writer played with the timers so that may be your problem in additional code.

Due to non-existant schematic and a general overview of what it is supposed to do, makes for a lot of error possibilities.

Yeah, the thing is that the original code only allowes the ATtiny to play an audio file and what I'm trying to do is to add the lights so that they work at the same time with the sound but I haven't been able to do it properly. What I noticed is that the audio is constantly playing as long as the microcontroller is being powered.

As for the speaker, I'm kind of working with bits and pieces I have laying around for now, the LED I'm using is from a Christmas decoration that is more serviciable than I imagined and maybe I'll keep using it for now or until I find a better alternative. I know it's not ideal but it's what I have for now, I have proper electronics coming next week so maybe I'll be able to upgrade the electronics. I'm not sure what difference would it make to change to a piezo other than different audio quality, so I would appreciate it if you could tell me which would be the better choice for this proyect.

If there is any other alternative I'm open to suggestions, right now I'm trying to reproduce the sound file more or less with the tone function (it's a 2 second audio clip) , but I imagine the ATtiny won't be able to store all that info. I can share the schematics for the hardware, but I won't be able to do it for some hours.

So you didn't actually try the original..??

If you change things one can expect consequences somewhere along the way, good or not so good which you have found.

Changing piezo to "whatever it is speaker arrangement' ...impossible to say.

Alternative might be, use the code and project as original and see if it works.
Additional code/circuit via another/separate ATtiny or Arduino.

Yes, I did try the original, as I said it only plays the specific audio and nothing else, te default audio already is for a sonic screwdriver so the only thing I need is to add the lights and that's where I have the problem I mentioned earlier. What I was trying to do is add the lights to that existing code.

At the risk of repeating myself....... yes, and that's where you go belly up.
So use the original on it's own and add another uC for your lights......not as though they are expensive.

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