Spam wins

I thought this new forum was going to reduce spam or is it a feature that is broken like other parts of the forum?
At least the new site penalizes me for reporting Spam as I cannot report more than one every 20 seconds according to the error message I get when trying. >:(

As I don't get any notifications anyway of spam or new posts, I personally won't be noticing your reports, sorry.

I get the impression from this that you (as moderator) don't have a hotline to the Arduino team even for moderator stuff.

That's just ridiculous.


I know some of their email addresses. A personal email usually gets a response with 24 hours. However it is usually along the lines of "we are working on that". As you can see from GitHub, things I report there are in many cases still sitting there, not assigned to anyone.

There is, or was, a moderators mailing list, from which I believe I ragequit quite a few months ago. Following on from the principle "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything" I won't give my reasons.

However this "spam report" thing is not related to that. For a few days after the new forum went live I got spam reports generated by the forum (not by the moderator mailing list). Then they stopped. Attempts to restart them fail, because the checkbox "enable email notifications" cannot be changed (I change it, save it, and it stays unchecked). There is, naturally a bug report about this. It is assigned "bug", "critical", and "work in progress". Apparently this is very, very hard to fix.

Seven days ago mastrolinux posted this on GitHub:

Hi @nickgammon we needed to massively modify the repo to include some updates from the main SMF codebase. Yesterday evening the merge was almost done, I expect an update to fix the issue at the end o the week or early next week.

So your guess is as good as mine as to where this is heading.

It is puzzling as to why you use someone else's forum software (SMF in this case) and when a bug if found, it takes weeks to apply a fix. I would have thought that the point of using pre-written forum software was you get the benefits of the developers (of the original software) updates without having to re-implement every bug fix yourself. I don't understand it all, to be honest.

This is what you get if you enroll a (very much) beta software on a site of this scale.
That's why i was baffled to see someone made the decision to do that (even when there was an explanation that only this latest but beta version would offer best ways of anti spam and administrator / moderator tools).

I wonder if that applies for all mods? Might as well stop reporting if that's the case. The 20 second posting delay is annoying enough but the site is soooooo sloooooow since upgrade I doubt spammers get caught by this problem anyway.

My strong suspicion is that they are making changes to SMF rather than just using it out-of-the-box,


As you can see with the last release done today we are now 100% aligned with their codebase so we stop reinventing the wheel every time. That required few weeks to be completed but today more than 10 issues are going to be fixed. We are checking the list to verify that they were correctly fixed.
I am personally testing the notification system right now.

mrdanny is also checking how to remove the limit to report spam at one every few seconds, not 20 seconds that is really too much.

we are now 100% aligned with their codebase so we stop reinventing the wheel every time.

This is very good news. Let us hope it stays that way.

However this seems to be a very strange place to receive this important information.
It would have been very nice (and courteous) if someone on the Arduino Team had taken the trouble to start a Thread in this Forum to provide this sort of information.

As it is I don't think any of the Threads has been started by a Team member (and few of the Threads started by members seem to have been read by Team members and even fewer replied to).


mrdanny is also checking how to remove the limit to report spam at one every few seconds, not 20 seconds that is really too much.

I can understand limiting a user posting new threads and replies and maybe 20 seconds is even to short a time for this but I cannot see why you would limit posting speed with report to moderator. Not the sort of thing you would expect a spammer to do but maybe there are people idiot enough to do it. :confused:

Actually we do sometimes get spam reported to the moderator (rather cheeky of them). That is, the report itself is spam. So I suppose if someone could "report to moderator" 100 times a second, they could launch a denial-of-service attack on moderation.