On this page, it says Sparkfun is an Arduino reseller and manufacturer. But, I went on their website and saw that they were selling Arduino's made by Arduino SRL. Are the pictures on their website just outdated, or did Arduino LLC and SRL form an alliance that I didn't hear about?
Here's SparkFun's official statement: SparkFun and the Future of Arduino - News - SparkFun Electronics
That's a bit old but I think the situation is somewhat the same. SparkFun manufactures some of the Arduino boards. The licensing fees for those boards are paid to LLC/.cc. Some boards are only available via SRL/.org, SparkFun sells those. They they also sell LLC boards that they don't manufacture such as the 101. The photo of the DIP Uno says .org, the photo of the SMD Uno says .cc.
I like the company Sparkfun. They are located in Colorado, and carry a unique catalog of hobbyist items, with excellent quality control. I believe their manufacturing facilities are also in Colorado.
I just looked at their catalog. I found 12 arduino.cc products, four of which are made by Sparkfun (pro mini 5v, pro mini 3.3v, pro 5v, and pro 3.3v), the remainder from Italy, USA and Taiwan. Sparkfun carries four arduino.org products, including the top sellers, the Uno with the replaceable chip, and the Mega 2560. They also carry the .org versions of the Due and Ethernet Shield.
or did Arduino LLC and SRL form an alliance that I didn't hear about?
Extract of
Notice : substantial progress in reaching an agreement to resolve this matter.
Extract of
https://www.unitedstatescourts.org/federal/mad/167131/66-0.htmlNotice : substantial progress in reaching an agreement to resolve this matter.
Yeah, I was pretty sure they didn't make an alliance.
Yeah, I was pretty sure they didn't make an alliance.
I'm not sure I understand your answer, but these delays requested by both parties simultaneously only be explained by the need to allow time for negotiations to find a good deal and avoid a disastrous trial.
And why not a new alliance.
Banzi is unable to make all the Arduino boards family, and Musso risks losing USA market.
Atmel modifies his boards to make them compatible with mbed
For new boards Banzi abandoned Atmel for Intel
For new boards Musso abandoned Atmel for ST Micro
A Banzi / Musso agreement would have a very interesting product catalog.
Since the beginning I always though there will be an agreement while some here immediatly wanted the death of Arduino SRL.
I think it would be great if they came back together.