sparkfun Xbee shield

Hello, new to Xbee,
I have a sparkfun Xbee shield, on a Uno board.
Should I be able to attach the USB cable and talk to the Xbee module with X-CTU?

It lists the Uno board in the device window but will not talk directly to the Xbee module. I have tried it with the AtMega chip in and out of the board with no luck.
Probably something simple but am I missing something here?

I have a sparkfun Xbee shield

Which one? They sell, or used to, more than one.

This one

Basically, no. The shield is intended to be used taking the XBee input from the serial pins on the Arduino. This presents a problem with both of them talking at the same time. You can put a sketch on the arduino to hang it in a loop and then you may be able to talk to the XBee. There are also a couple of jumpers on the board that you can use to move it to different ports on the arduino. However, you'll have trouble with this as well. I recommend getting a usb adapter for the XBee so you can talk to it directly and then when you get it programmed, move it to the shield. Take a look at the schematic on Sparkfun and you'll see what I mean.

I recommend getting a usb adapter for the XBee so you can talk to it directly and then when you get it programmed, move it to the shield.

The kit in the link includes just such an adapter. Use that to configure the XBee using X-CTU.