SPI Connection/SD CARD/Arduino Industrial

Hello there

I want to write some sensor data to a micro SD card.

I use : "Arduino Industrial 101" and "debo microsd" to connect with a sd-card.
I connected all the pins to icsp on the board but there is no cs pin so i chose a random digital pin(13).
The sd-card cannot be initialized. I run an example code from this site to test the connection.

So i guess my question is which pin i should use for the chip select? It seems pretty straight forward but cannot figure it out.


for more infos about the arduino industrial 101

schematics of the arduino industrial 101 page 3 for spi connection pins

And yes, it is fun to work with an arduino industrial, because everything is just more unclear

How can I delete a post in this forum? :DDD

Hello there

I try again to get my question answered since it did not work last time.
I try to communicate with SPI using the ICSP header on my Arduino Industrial 101. It does not work.
I then took an Arduino UNO to test if the module I try to communicate is broken. It works perfectly fine with the Arduino UNO with both the pins 13,12,11, and any digital pin and also the ICSP header.
So what do I have to do differently when using the Industrial 101? is there anything else I have to set up?


It looks like this is to be continued in a new thread:

I don't know the answer as I have no knowledge of the 101. I suggest that you mention the Arduino Industrial 101 in your Title to catch the attention of people who can help.

If you modify your Original Post you can edit the Title.

You have not said what you are trying to communicate with.
Is the 101 a 3.3v device?


I purposely did not mention the Industrial, because then no1 would even read the thread.
I try to communicate with a SD-card module. The operating voltage is 5V.

And it is not a 101. It is an Industrial 101, i have heard there is a difference. Naming fail.

Ok, now that I know your new thread is also about the SD module I've gone ahead and merged both the threads.

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