SPIFFS Data upload not working

I have a problem uploading data to my Lolin S3 development board via SPIFFS.

I use the Arduino IDE v1.8.19 and have installed the arduino-esp32fs-plugin for uploading.
I put the data folder in the main directory of my sketch.

As board I selected the ESP32S3 Dev Board in the Arduino IDE and uploaded my sketch with the partitioning with 1.5MB SPIFFS. This worked without any problems.

But when I try to do the SPIFFS upload, I get the following error message:

[SPIFFS] data : C:\Users\Paul\Documents\Arduino\Sketche\WaveLabs\AHT_Firmware_ESP32\AHT_Firmware_ESP32\data
[SPIFFS] start : 2686976
[SPIFFS] size : 1472
[SPIFFS] page : 256
[SPIFFS] block : 4096
[SPIFFS] upload : C:\Users\Paul\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_build_604972/AHT_Firmware_ESP32.spiffs.bin
[SPIFFS] address: 2686976
[SPIFFS] port : COM4
[SPIFFS] speed : 921600
[SPIFFS] mode : dio
[SPIFFS] freq : 80m

esptool.py v4.2.1
Serial port COM4

A fatal error occurred: This chip is ESP32-S3 not ESP32. Wrong --chip argument?
SPIFFS Upload failed!

I don't know why the Arduino IDE assumes an ESP32 chip, although I selected the ESP32S3 Dev Board.

Does anyone know a solution for this problem?

I have found a solution now.
If someone has the same problem, he can try this fork for the esp32fs-plugin. I think it is actually for the ESP32s2, but has also worked with my ESP32s3.

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