Stable 5 volt volt required

OK. I'm getting ready to create a PCb using an esp32c3 and dfplayer. While testing I've mostly been using usb from my laptop for the esp32 and a 5 volt regulator from a power supply for the dfplayer.

But it'really bulky and will really make what would otherwise be a really small PCb unnecessarily bulk.

Any thoughts or suggestions, please?

What will be the voltage range of the source for your PCB? 12V, 9V, 5V, 6V, 3.7V, etc ?
Have you ever designed a buck or boost converter before?

esp32c3 and dfplayer

Are you using boards, modules or the ICs?

Hi, @SadruddinW

If the DF and esp32 both need 5V, then use a 5V plug pack to power your complete project.

Tom.. :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:


I'll be using 5V phone recharger as a power supply. I'm thinking this may just work as is, but I don't want to get it wrong, and I'm pretty sure the power supply module regulates the power. So on the bread board, through that supply, it works fine. It's when I haven't got the psm on the pcb I'm worried about the stability of the charge.

Only if you use the barrel jack as input.
The USB 5V goes straight through to the breadboard, no regulation.
So if the charger supply worked with the breadboard OK then it will be OK for the PCB

When powered from a USB port that power supply does not regulate the 5v.

Certainly any decent 5V wall adapter will work fine. I would only purchase modules that are UL approved. This is a safety thing, cheap generic adapters have been known to fail connecting the mains to the 5V circuit.

Ah. OK. So is there any way I can regulate it on the board? There's got to be a much smaller version of the same item? I don't need the 3.3 volts.

With a decent quality 5V wall adapter you don't have to do anything. I would however suggest you put a 0.1µf ceramic capacitor and a 10µf ceramic capacitor right where the adapter power enters your board.

You could use something like the below to accept the plug from the adapter.
Be sure to check the size (2.1 x5.5mm) matches the adapter you plan on purchasing.

See post #5
You don't need to

Hi, @SadruddinW

The USB plug pack output will be regulated.

Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia: