Could anyone help suggest a relatively cheap stepper driver that also has some basic Arduino code available online? This is the stepper: 178.5 oz in NEMA 23
I'm trying to help a student with a project involving a stepper motor. We had a l298n board on hand so I started off using that with a 12V power supply. The motor was loud, but worked. When I stepped it up to the 24V 2.5A power supply that we need for the project it only made noise; no turning. I understand the l298n is a bad choice for a stepper driver.
Additionally, I have a smaller stepper I planned to use with the Arduino CNC shield with a4988 drivers, but the only Arduino code I can find is the GRBL installation. I was unable to control the stepper with the shield. I had to remove an a4988 driver and drive the stepper directly from that. So if anyone knows of a driver that has Arduino libraries or that others have used with Arduinos a suggestion would be greatly appreciated!