Stepper motor only goes one direction

For those who have a stepper motor that only goes one way.
Here is a common fix.


Hmm... to me, the "outer two" would be red/green. Maybe I'm dyslexic and colorblind, but the middle pair would be yellow/orange with red/orange would be the "left pair" and green/yellow would be the "right pair."

There is no real standard, at least not for China made steppers. If it runs it's good, if not forum is here. Look for datasheet!

Will that really be the effect? Not running badly? Most steppers I've got from China has been running. Only one used crutches... One wire was broken even though the insulation looked good! One never get surpriced.

Try it and see.


Also see Arduino + CNC SHIELD + A4988 + NEMA 17 - #27 by Ballscrewbob

Hence specific colours mentioned as pairs


My brain rocks back and forth when a picture and accompanying description mismatch. It's like a dating app. :bison:

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If I put some arrows on will you be happy ?


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It's good to know what problem needs fixing before swapping wires.

And here's a pic:

Was trying to keep it as simple as possible.

Agree that somebody such as yourself might first want to rule out other things.
Yes it would first be advisable to check the code etc. etc.

Just used an example of possible effects of "Chinese" cables that has come up a few times and fixed peoples issues.

Not intended as a "fix all cure"

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A dating app with arrows? Genius!

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Oh Fluff back to the drawing board to add

. .

Happy now boys and girls



At no time was there mention of a DMM test.. :sweat_smile: :laughing: :grin: :sweat_smile:

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Feel Free Tom.
So glad to be among friends again.

Now what's ozzy for go away

:rofl: :crazy_face:

"Rak off"

The Parthenon is a milk bar.
Hot FJ is a souped up van or sedan, Holden FJ.

Tom...... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:
PS. It got to 6th place in the national top 40 in 1975,

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Thanks folks for the input.

As you can see it was duly noted and actioned.
Collaboration works well here still.


Ah, "pair" is the "pair of wires driving a coil", not the pair that need swapping.

If the motor only goes one direction, the wires to the coils may be crossed in the connector. Swap either the outer pair (or the inner pair), so the pairs of wires driving each coil are adjacent, as in the connections to the stepper driver below:

(image credit: Pololu - DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier, High Current)

Note that some carrier boards label the coil wire connections differently, so you can't go by "put the As and Bs (or 1s and 2s) on separate coils". For example:

(image credit: Pololu - A4988 Stepper Motor Driver Carrier )

Swapping a single pair on a single coil will change the direction of rotation. (As will flipping all 4 wires)

Hmm there are two green and two golden coloured wires there.

Which green do I swap and does it matter if I stick a green where a golden wire should be ?
Mine does not have two golden or green wires did I get the wrong cable ?


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