Still can't get Ethernet shield to work on DHCP CLient

I've read some of the threads on this forum for getting the Arduino Ethernet Shield to work on DHCP Client but, I am still having issues. The Link light is Green and the Activity light blinks often. I've trying to get the DhcpAddressPrinter example sketch to work but, I never get any printout on the Serial Monitor (9600 baud rate). I also never see anything on my router's DHCP Server Lease view. I've seen some of the other threads modify the timeouts in the Ethernet.h or DHCP.h files but, I can't locate them.

Any other suggestions?

Well, it looks like I was able to solve my own problem. Because I am somewhat of a noob, I failed to realize that IDE 1.8.5 only supports the Ethernet Shield with the W5100 chipset. My Ethernet Shield contained the W5500 chipset as is indicated (printed) on the circuit board. Once I updated my IDE libraries, viola. I hope some other noob can learn from my mistake and save time.