Successor to the MPU6050?

Hello Guys!

Is something out there better than the MPU6050, once it's been with us already for a long time, so I was wondering. I've been away from DIY electronics and microcontrollers for some time now, and I'm just coming back, so I was thinking if we have maybe another inertial measurement unit out there that I'm unaware of, that's maybe better than that one and in the same price range, in order to use with my RC models as a stabilization aid, or even other stuff. I don't bother about the yaw axis most of the time, so that's not a bomber in my scenarios. I like the i2c interface, as well as the ability to direct access the device and have vendor libraries as well, to get some inspirations from.


There are several MPU6050 replacements, all of them being significant improvements.
Most hobby outlets carry breakout boards, for example this one.