Suggestion to Arduino IDE


I have a suggestion to Arduino IDE. It would very useful to have a quick access to all functions in a sketch. It could be in a combobox or simply in a list.

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Hi @PRLJacek. There is something like this already. The feature is named "Go to symbol":

  1. Press the Ctrl+Shift+P keyboard shortcut (Command+Shift+P for macOS users) to open the "Command Palette".
    A menu will appear on the editor toolbar:
  2. Select the "Go to Symbol..." command from the menu.

A menu will now open with a list of the symbols in your sketch. You can click on any of them to jump to the location in the code.

For an alternative interface, you can instead select "Toggle Outline View" from the Command Palette menu.

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Thank you very much. That's what I need. :slight_smile:
BTW, there is direct shortcut to symbol - Ctrl + Shift + O.
Works perfectly!

You are welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance.


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There is also Outline View

That opens a side panel from where you can select, and jump to, any variable definition as well as functions. Once enabled an icon is added to the sidebar, making for easy selection of outline view, for that project.

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Thanks a lot!

I've been using the Arduino IDE for a few days now and I'm fascinated by it. Its creators deserve a Nobel Prize. :slight_smile: It's 100% refined. I'm delighted. :slight_smile: Combined with the Logitech G903 mouse, programming is incredibly convenient.

Two clicks and everything is clear.

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Hello again.
In menu I have an icon for Toggle Ouline View like on the left side in this picture but I have it only in this one sketch. In other sketches there is no icon. What should I do to have this icon in any sketch?

For some reason that icon for this hugely helpful feature is not displayed by default for a new sketch.

Post #6 explains what you need to do enable it. I have allocated a keyboard key combination to easily enable it. To remove it you need to reset the workspace (also available from the "Command Palette").

It needs to be enabled for each new sketch after which it remains enabled for that sketch.

Thank you very much @Willem43. I didn't know how the icon appeared alone. :slight_smile:
Now I know how to add it in new sketches. Maybe the icon will be added in future version by default.

@Willem43 Is it possible to have functions in the outline list displayed alphabetically rather than as they appear in the code?

Not that I am aware of.

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