Sun sensor.

Before I actually post what I want to post, how do I attach a PDF file? :-[

I think you need to upload it to "somewhere" then post the link.

When you do a reply, click the little world symbol on the left above the posting box.

Well, thats seems overly complicated it...anyways... I had a sun sensor design using a arduino using a AD820, thing didn't work ..anyone has a sun sensor design with the Arduino that DOES work ?

Sun calculations maybe?


Maybe I was a little broad, its for a ADS for a Balloon Sat.


Spam me thinks...

I'M talking about something like this.

There are 5 of those PCBs, each one has a photodiode attached to it, and also each PCB is connected to the Arduino. We didn't get it to work, I'm wondering if anyone has done a similar ADS system using a Arduino? I can supply the PDF File which includes all the details if requested.

What was it that didn't work?


We didn't get the correct voltage readings. Give me a email so I can send you the file so you know in more detail what I'm talking about.

Let me know if you got the email? I'm getting mail delivery notifications since your email domain is kinda weird.

Umm, nope... Hang on a mo, i'll send you a different one.

since your email domain is kinda weird.

Umm it's just for my website (one of)

I have an idea of how you could do this slightly differently but I don't think it would be a better way to do it.

Did you check the sensor boards individually to check voltages?
Did you check the sensors were working as expected when not on the circuit board?

There are many things you could check to wok out the issue with this and hopefully get it working.


Yup to those two questions, what would your idea be ?

Yup to those two questions, what would your idea be ?

So... if they worked fine off the boards, do they work correctly individually on each board?

I am slightly confused as to why you used the AD820 instead of just using 6 analog photodetectors and then comparing the analog voltage from each one.

More than likely there is a something wrong in the circuit design, we tried breadboarding it too and it did not work, ironically the first time we did the design it did work, but it went berserk from then on.

Can you give me a link about the last thing you said? I'm curious about what photo-detectors are? Can they be interfaced with the Arduino?

More than likely there is a something wrong in the circuit design, we tried breadboarding it too and it did not work, ironically the first time we did the design it did work, but it went berserk from then on.

Ahh we have solved the mystery. Can't be too tricky to check that and maybe re-write the code/use an old version that you know works.

Very much like an LDR (light dependent resistor) but more for specific wavelengths, then you could get one more towards the infa-red end of the spectrum so that if this happened to be below some clouds it should still pick up the sun in the right position rather than picking up the brightest bit of sky.


Thanks, I will try to do one of these

And see where do I go from there.

Well if what you had worked then I would investigate why it doesn't want to work now and get it working rather than re-building it/building a new one.

How easy to do you think it will be to change that circuit from using a phototransistor to using a photodiode?