Hi folks, Mustafa here!
Allow me to introduce you to my new library: "tdslite". It allows direct connection between MSSQL and Arduino (also many other SoCs, IoT, and embedded devices supported):
It's a header-only library, written in pure C++11, and has zero dependencies. It allows you to perform CRUD operations on any MSSQL database.
It's also very lightweight, the library driver object itself requires only 64 bytes of the global variable store (besides the network buffer), and you don't have to pay for what you don't use. It's available on Arduino Library Manager with the "tdslite" name, check it out!
A quick example to show how the library works:
#include <Ethernet.h>
#include <tdslite.h>
// Serial output uses ~175 bytes of SRAM space
// and ~840 bytes of program memory.
char buf [64] = {}; \
snprintf_P(buf, sizeof(buf), FMTPM, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
#define SERIAL_PRINTF(FMTSTR, ...) \
[&]() { \
/* Save format string into program */ \
/* memory to save flash space */ \
static const char __fmtpm [] PROGMEM = FMTSTR; \
Serial.println(""); \
Serial.println(""); \
[](tdsl::u16char_view v) { \
for (const auto ch : v) { \
Serial.print(static_cast<char>(ch)); \
} \
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The network buffer.
* The library will use this buffer for network I/O.
* The buffer must be at least 512 bytes in size.
* In order to have some headroom for fragmentation
* it is recommended to allocate 768 bytes at least.
* The actual size need for network buffer is depends
* on your use case.
* TODO: Extend this section
tdsl::uint8_t net_buf [768] = {};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The tdslite driver object.
* tdsl::arduino_driver class is a templated type
* where the template argument is the TCP client
* implementation compatible with Arduino's
* EthernetClient interface.
* The client will be initialized internally.
tdsl::arduino_driver<EthernetClient> driver{net_buf};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* MAC address for the ethernet interface
byte mac [] = {0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xEE};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* IP address for the ethernet interface.
* Change it according to your network address space
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 1, 244);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The setup function initializes Serial output,
* Ethernet interface, tdslite library and then
* the database tables.
void setup() {
while (!Serial)
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Initializing ethernet interface");
// Try to configure ethernet interface
// with given MAC and IP
Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
// Check if *any* ethernet hardware is detected.
if (Ethernet.hardwareStatus() == EthernetNoHardware) {
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Error: No ethernet hardware detected!");
// Ethernet shield not detected
while (true) {
// Initialize tdslite
// Declare a connection parameters struct. We will fill this struct
// with the details of the SQL server/database we want to connect to.
// We're using progmem_connection_parameters here, because we want to
// store database connection parameters in program memory in order to
// save some precious SRAM space.
decltype(driver)::progmem_connection_parameters params;
// Server's hostname or IP address.
params.server_name = TDSL_PMEMSTR(""); // WL
// SQL server port number
params.port = 14333; // default port is 1433
// SQL server login user
params.user_name = TDSL_PMEMSTR("sa");
// SQL server login user password
params.password = TDSL_PMEMSTR("2022-tds-lite-test!");
// Client name(optional)
params.client_name = TDSL_PMEMSTR("arduino mega");
// App name(optional)
params.app_name = TDSL_PMEMSTR("sketch");
// Database name(optional)
params.db_name = TDSL_PMEMSTR("master");
// TDS packet size
// Recommendation: Half of the network buffer.
// This is the PDU size that TDS protocol will use.
// Given that the example has 768 bytes of network buffer space,
// we set this to 512 to allow some headroom for fragmentation.
params.packet_size = {512};
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Initializing tdslite");
// Try to connect with given parameters. If connection succeeds,
// the `result` will be e_driver_error_code::success. Otherwise,
// the connection attempt has failed.
auto result = driver.connect(params);
if (not(decltype(driver)::e_driver_error_code::success == result)) {
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Error: Database connection failed!");
// Database connection failed.
while (true) {
// Initialize the database
driver.execute_query(TDSL_PMEMSTR("CREATE TABLE #example_table(a varchar(12), b int);"));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* How many times the loop function has
* been invoked.
static int loop_counter = {0};
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Handle row data coming from tdsl driver
* @param [in] u user pointer (table_context)
* @param [in] colmd Column metadata
* @param [in] row Row information
static void row_callback(void * u, const tdsl::tds_colmetadata_token & colmd,
const tdsl::tdsl_row & row) {
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("row: %.4s %d", row [0].as<tdsl::char_view>().data(),
row [1].as<tdsl::int32_t>());
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* The loop function executes INSERT query every
* 1 second, and SELECT query every 10 seconds.
void loop() {
// Your queries goes here.
auto query{TDSL_PMEMSTR("INSERT INTO #example_table VALUES('test', 1)")};
SERIAL_PRINTF("Executing query: ");
auto result = driver.execute_query(query);
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Rows affected: %d", result.affected_rows);
// Execute SELECT query on every tenth loop.
if (0 == (loop_counter % 10)) {
auto query{TDSL_PMEMSTR("SELECT * FROM #example_table")};
SERIAL_PRINTF("Executing query: ");
// We're using the row
auto result = driver.execute_query(query, row_callback);
SERIAL_PRINTLNF("Rows affected: %d", result.affected_rows);
// Increment the loop counter.