The capacitor on my Arduino overheats

I have an Arduino uno and if i plug it to the computer the capacitor starts overheating in seconds to the point it starts smoking a little i tried unplugging everything and it still heats up

There are several capacitors on the board. Take a picture of the board and identify which one is getting hot.


What did you have connected when the problem started?

One of these?

No the little silver boxes with brown on the middle,its just above the two circles

It's not what's between them?


So C1 & C3 on the layout and the schematic?

There really shouldn't be any current through a healthy capacitor. U2, the voltage regulator (HT @runaway_pancake ), is a better bet.

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no only the two capacitors

yes its c1 and c3

Have you ever connected a power source to Vin or the barrel jack?

i have but i disconnected it

If the voltage was to high or there was a voltage spike or it was not well regulated it may have been what caused the capacitors to fail. Either that or the manufacturer put in capacitors with the wrong voltage.
In any case, whether you continue to use the board or not is up to you but I don't recommend it.

you can:
A: replace the capacitors if you can.
B: get it fixed.
or C: if all else fails, you might need to get a new Arduino.

I hope this helps!

i bought an arduino uno i was using it for 3 days and recently the circled components sturted overheating i unpluged every thing uploaded a blank code but is still over heats i think that the circled capacitor is damaged is it?

If suspect that all three components you have circled are bad.
You must have accidently applied a high voltage or short somewhere at some point in time.

is it safe to keep using the board

If there is smoke there can eventually be fire.

i have a diffrent clone board that doesnt work that has a couple of bigger capacitors can i solder them to this board

Are they the correct capacitance and voltage?