TIMER-1 use: What the heck am I doing wrong? Try it yourself please

Hi Forum. I have copied and pasted this apparently ultra simple code for blinking a led inside the loop using 16-bit timer 1 of an Arduino Uno.
For some reason the code provided by GolamMostafa in a reply does not work for me. Just copying and pasting it gives me a period of 2ms not 50ms. Could you please try it at home? it takes only 4seconds to try.

Here the code and the reference:

And here is the code with Direct Port Manipulation to not waste time with Digital Read and Write routine.

void setup()
  DDRB |= B00110000;  // set pin12&pin13 to output without affecting other pins
  TCCR1A = 0x00;
  TCCR1B = 0x00;
  TCNT1 = 0xF3CB;     //pre-set value at clkTC1 = 16 MHz/256
  TCCR1B = 0x04;       //TC1 is running

void loop()
  while (bitRead(TIFR1, 0) != HIGH)    //checking if TOV1 flag is active; see data sheets for TIFR1 Register
    ;     //wait until TOV1 becomes active at the elapse of 50 ms time
  bitClear(TIFR1, 0);                         //clear TOV1 flag
  TCNT1 = 0xF3CB;                          //reload pre-set value
  PORTB ^= B00110000;// toggles bit which affects pin13&12

It gives me a period of 2us. ( 2 microseconds) Any help Appreciated. Regards.
I am wondering why he does not use WGM4 or 12 and using OCR1A or ICR1 register.
Instead he sets with TCCR1B to 0x04 the 256 prescaler only..

Seems at first glance it does to enter the while (bitRead(TIFR1, 0) != HIGH) loop

Could you please help me?
Bets regards

@GolamMostafa one for you perhaps

@UKHeliBob Am wondering if he has ever debugged his code before posting it..

I think your bug is:
bitClear(TIFR1, 0); //clear TOV1 flag

You clear interrupt flags by writing 1 to the bit, not by writing 0. It's a hardware thing.

This gives me the expected 10 Hz blink:

void setup()
  //DDRB |= B00110000;  // set pin12&pin13 to output without affecting other pins

  TCCR1A = 0x00;
  TCCR1B = 0x00;
  TCNT1 = 65536 - 3125;  // pre-set value
  TCCR1B = _BV(CS12);       // Start TC1 is running at prescale 256

void loop()
  while (!(TIFR1 & _BV(TOV1)))    //checking if TOV1 flag is active; see data sheets for TIFR1 Register
    //wait until TOV1 becomes active at the elapse of 50 ms time

  // bitClear(TIFR1, 0);      //clear TOV1 flag
  TIFR1 = _BV(TOV1);  // Reset flag BY WRITING 1 TO IT

  TCNT1 = 65536 - 3125;   //reload pre-set value

  // PORTB ^= B00110000;// toggles bit which affects pin13&12
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, !digitalRead(LED_BUILTIN));

@johnwasser You made my day. Many thanks, thanks a lot.
By the way it was not my code...
Yes you are absolute right.

bitSet(TIFR1, 0);

code worked flawlessly...

Have again wondered if the coder has ever debugged the code before posting it.

Thanks again

Done in other thread.

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