TOF Laser Sensor won't connect and output data

Oh ok, thanks for that. If you could not tell, i am experimenting with stuff, that's new for me. As far as I'm concerned, active mode can be configured through the software. Since the software does not work on my system, i can't find another way. I have read the wiki multiple times about the protocol used...Maybe i missed something?

Also i think it is important to note that, i have tried running their demo code(modified to use HarwareSerial) many many times and i've spent a lot of time debugging it. What i found out was that it fails to recognize the 3 data headers, as referred in the wiki. The wiki code(without modifications):

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial Serial1(11,10); //Serial1 connected to TOF Serial:10<-->RX, 11<-->TX

unsigned char TOF_data[32] = {0};   //store 2 TOF frames
unsigned char TOF_length = 16;
unsigned char TOF_header[3] {0x57,0x00,0xFF};
unsigned long TOF_system_time = 0;
unsigned long TOF_distance = 0;
unsigned char TOF_status = 0;
unsigned int TOF_signal = 0;
unsigned char TOF_check = 0;

void setup() {
  // initialize both serial ports:

bool verifyCheckSum(unsigned char data[], unsigned char len){
  TOF_check = 0;

  for(int k=0;k<len-1;k++)
      TOF_check += data[k];

  if(TOF_check == data[len-1])
      Serial.println("TOF data is ok!");
      return true;    
      Serial.println("TOF data is error!");
      return false;  


void loop() {
  // read from port 1:
  if (Serial1.available()>=32) {
     for(int i=0;i<32;i++)
       TOF_data[i] =;
    for(int j=0;j<16;j++)
      if( (TOF_data[j]==TOF_header[0] && TOF_data[j+1]==TOF_header[1] && TOF_data[j+2]==TOF_header[2]) && (verifyCheckSum(&TOF_data[j],TOF_length)))
        if(((TOF_data[j+12]) | (TOF_data[j+13]<<8) )==0)
           Serial.println("Out of range!");
           Serial.print("TOF id is: ");
           TOF_system_time = TOF_data[j+4] | TOF_data[j+5]<<8 | TOF_data[j+6]<<16 | TOF_data[j+7]<<24;
           Serial.print("TOF system time is: ");
           TOF_distance = (TOF_data[j+8]) | (TOF_data[j+9]<<8) | (TOF_data[j+10]<<16);
           Serial.print("TOF distance is: ");
           TOF_status = TOF_data[j+11];
           Serial.print("TOF status is: ");
           Serial.println(TOF_status ,DEC);
           TOF_signal = TOF_data[j+12] | TOF_data[j+13]<<8;
           Serial.print("TOF signal is: ");
           Serial.println(TOF_signal ,DEC);



The check I am talking about:

if( (TOF_data[j]==TOF_header[0] && TOF_data[j+1]==TOF_header[1] && TOF_data[j+2]==TOF_header[2] ...)

Maybe this could help...