Tracking Position of Two Points, Help?

Hey, I'm working on a project at university. My expertise is in the mathematics, building, and experimentation of the test rig, I have almost zero experience in coding in any way. My partner, who was meant to do the coding, is leaving university early this semester, so if I want results before Christmas, I'll need to take the reins myself.

The coding side of the project is very simple (I think!) All I need is the Arduino to be able to track how far two marked points move over a period of time. It does not need to calculate velocity, or time, simply the change in displacement. I currently have a webcam and an Arduino Uno, but more parts can be ordered under budget if needed. Can anyone give me advice, or even lead me to some resources to use?

I understand my complete lack of knowledge in this area doesn't help, so thank you all a lot for taking your time to read this!

Step one is to determine what the two marked points are and how they are marked. That will help you figure out how you can detect those two points.

I currently have a webcam and an Arduino Uno,

Arduino, especially the little UNO, doesn't have nearly the horsepower to handle image processing. You might want to be looking at a raspberry pi if you are thinking of trying to do this with an image.


Consider ordering the Pixy camera, which is Arduino compatible and features colored blobs tracking.

There is a reasonable chance that you could get that working in a week or less.

Can anyone give me advice, or even lead me to some resources to use?

Based on your lack of description of the project, no.

How are the forum supposed to guess what the 'points' are, where they are and how far apart they are ?