Transistor Advice

Hi all

Im making an environmental air monitor using a lolin wemos d1 mini pro and the SCD30 to take a reading every 20 minutes and upload it to Cayenne.

Im using an emitter-follower circuit to turn the sensor on, take the readings and upload them and then I want the sensor to turn off again, by setting the transistor base pin low.

The problem is the transistor isnt turning off and the sensor is staying active. Im using a BC547 NPN transistor.

In the setup i set pin 0 high which i have the transistor on, the the loop code is below.

Do i need a large resistor between the pin output/transistor base and ground?

Thanks you

void loop() {


ESP.deepSleep(900 * 1000000);


// Default function for sending sensor data at intervals to Cayenne.
// You can also use functions for specific channels, e.g CAYENNE_OUT(1) for sending channel 1 data.
sensorCO2 = airSensor.getCO2();
sensorTemp = airSensor.getTemperature();
sensorHum = airSensor.getHumidity();

// Send CO2 data to Virtua1 1
Cayenne.virtualWrite(1, sensorCO2, "co2", "ppm");

// Send Temperature data to Virtua1 2
Cayenne.celsiusWrite(2, sensorTemp);

// Send Humidity data to Virtua1 3
Cayenne.virtualWrite(3, sensorHum);

// Turn SCD transistor off
digitalWrite(0, LOW);


I've just been watching riddles on YouTube. :grinning: Is this supposed to be a riddle?


That is not an emitter-follower circuit.

The sensor is being "phantom powered" by its data lines.