maybe somebody can give me advice:
i try to interface the arduino (pin 0, 1) with a brainboxes bluetooth to rs232 converter.
as testsoftware i use a simple loopback:
looking with the arduino serial monitor
this results in the following:
i did the following tests:
first without bluetooth:
arduino is connected via normal usb: send <1> receive <49> etc (normal ascii response)
arduino is connected via serial cable (on pins 01 to serial port on pc): send <1> receive <1> etc.
so via usb and serial cable it s working (though i dont know why it changes the represenation)
now with bluetooth:
arduino is connected via serial cable (on pins 01) to bluetooth module, arduino serial monitor is connected via bluetooth:
send <1> receive
send <2> receive
send <3> receive and the <"PI" sign>
communication happens but i can not make any sense out of it.
if i connect the bluetooth module serial to pc and open a bluetooth serial port i can send
data correct via pure data - so the BT module works.
there seems only something wrong when its connected to the arduino board.
one thing is that the module has a command mode which would explain this starnge behaviour but it is disabled.
thank you very much for any suggestions ...