I have been working on an environmental monitoring system for my company's server room. What it does right now is gets the temperature using a DS18B20 sensor, adds a date/time stamp that I grab from the DS1307 RTC and then posts that to Twitter using the Tweet Lib. It has been working for some time now, but all of a sudden I started getting 403 "Incorrect Token" messages. The last successful tweet was about 45 minutes ago. Since then I tried getting a new token to see if that helped, unfortunately, no luck. I have triple checked to make sure I didn't mess up pasting the token. I am really wondering if others are having similar problems or if something happened to my project that is causing this. I am thinking that maybe it is the OAtuh stuff on the Tweet Lib server that might be broken right now, but I can't be sure, which is why I'm asking. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
@PaulS I could do that (and eventually probably will,) but using Twitter was the easiest way to get it up and running quickly. Quite honestly i don't really care who sees that it is 70 something degrees in my server room, that isn't really privileged info. Rather than pointing out an obvious redesign course it would certainly have been more helpful to me if you had just told me that the tweet lib is working fine for you (if you had a project that was using it)... oh well, c'est la vie...
As for my problem, I solved it. I made a change to pad the mins & secs with a 0 if it was only 1 digit using sprintf() and I forgot to increase the size of my array that was holding the message. I guess this ended up overflowing and corrupting the men where the twitter auth token was. False alarm. Thanks anyway.
Twitter is a better choice than a using one of your own servers for a variety of reasons. I think PaulS doesn't get it...
If that server too overheats, since we are measuring temperature, maybe the server you would hypothetically tie into would be the one that failed. Those two system shouldn't be coupled.
Also, twitter allows for wide distribution of your temperature over an easy to use widely available platform.
Try answering the dude's question, he knows what he's trying to do.
Rather than pointing out an obvious redesign course it would certainly have been more helpful to me if you had just told me that the tweet lib is working fine for you (if you had a project that was using it)... oh well, c'est la vie...
I've never used Trit(ter) because the idea that the temperature in my server room is important anyone else would never have occurred to me. It must be a generational thing to think that everything that is of interest to you must also be of interest to everyone else. The awareness that it isn't would never have upset me the way that it did you.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. There are alternatives that could be arranged (private data hosting on a remote server comes to mind) to posting the information for everyone to see. 99.9% of the people in the world don't give a damn what the temperature in the server room is, so why post it where everyone can see it?
@PaulS I guess I thought that you were suggesting that I should use my own server because it would be more secure and that I shouldn't allow others to see such info. My point was that I'm really not that concerned if people know what the temp is in the server room. In fact I would agree with you, no one but myself and handful of a few others would care about the temp in the server room. The reason I used twitter to relay the data is because it is there already, it is easy to use, it is ubiquitous, and I can see it from anywhere at any time from pretty much any internet connected device (but mostly cause it was there and easy to use.) I'd agree that if this was to be a full fledged commercial product I'd want to supply users with a dedicated server interface (certainly hosted elsewhere,) probably along with optional twitter integration, just for the reasons I stated above.
@ThreadDotRun you make some valid points. You certainly wouldn't want to run the server posting the temp from your own server room, just for the reason you outlined. It would seem that you understand why I choose twitter as a method of delivering temp info (and hopefully other metrics in the future.)
Anyway, like I said in my last post... good news is I made s dumb mistake, caught it and fixed it and all is well now.