I modified my sketch to output a sine wave:
It could be faster if I pre-calculated the sine figures and stored them in flash memory.
VGA colour video generation - Sine wave generation
Author: Nick Gammon
Date: 22nd April 2012
Version: 1.0
Version 1.0: initial release
D3 : Horizontal Sync (68 ohms in series) --> Pin 13 on DB15 socket
D4 : Red pixel output (470 ohms in series) --> Pin 1 on DB15 socket
D5 : Green pixel output (470 ohms in series) --> Pin 2 on DB15 socket
D6 : Blue pixel output (470 ohms in series) --> Pin 3 on DB15 socket
D10 : Vertical Sync (68 ohms in series) --> Pin 14 on DB15 socket
Gnd : --> Pins 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 on DB15 socket
Note: As written, this sketch has 34 bytes of free SRAM memory.
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#include <TimerHelpers.h>
#include <avr/pgmspace.h>
#include <avr/sleep.h>
const byte hSyncPin = 3; // <------- HSYNC
const byte redPin = 4; // <------- Red pixel data
const byte greenPin = 5; // <------- Green pixel data
const byte bluePin = 6; // <------- Blue pixel data
const byte vSyncPin = 10; // <------- VSYNC
const int horizontalBytes = 50; // 480 pixels wide
const int verticalPixels = 480; // 480 pixels high
// Timer 1 - Vertical sync
// output OC1B pin 16 (D10) <------- VSYNC
// Period: 16.64 mS (60 Hz)
// 1/60 * 1e6 = 16666.66 uS
// Pulse for 64 uS (2 x HSync width of 32 uS)
// Sync pulse: 2 lines
// Back porch: 33 lines
// Active video: 480 lines
// Front porch: 10 lines
// Total: 525 lines
// Timer 2 - Horizontal sync
// output OC2B pin 5 (D3) <------- HSYNC
// Period: 32 uS (31.25 kHz)
// (1/60) / 525 * 1e6 = 31.74 uS
// Pulse for 4 uS (96 times 39.68 nS)
// Sync pulse: 96 pixels
// Back porch: 48 pixels
// Active video: 640 pixels
// Front porch: 16 pixels
// Total: 800 pixels
// Pixel time = ((1/60) / 525 * 1e9) / 800 = 39.68 nS
// frequency = 1 / (((1/60) / 525 * 1e6) / 800) = 25.2 MHz
// However in practice, it we can only pump out pixels at 375 nS each because it
// takes 6 clock cycles to read one in from RAM and send it out the port.
const int verticalLines = verticalPixels / 16;
const int horizontalPixels = horizontalBytes * 8;
const byte verticalBackPorchLines = 35; // includes sync pulse?
const int verticalFrontPorchLines = 525 - verticalBackPorchLines;
volatile int vLine;
volatile int messageLine;
volatile int backPorchLinesToGo;
volatile byte newFrame;
#define nop asm volatile ("nop\n\t")
// bitmap - gets sent to PORTD
// For D4/D5/D6 bits need to be shifted left 4 bits
// ie. 00BGR0000
char message [verticalLines] [horizontalBytes];
// ISR: Vsync pulse
vLine = 0;
messageLine = 0;
backPorchLinesToGo = verticalBackPorchLines;
newFrame = true;
} // end of TIMER1_OVF_vect
// ISR: Hsync pulse ... this interrupt merely wakes us up
} // end of TIMER2_OVF_vect
void setup()
// initial bitmap ... change to suit
for (int y = 0; y < verticalLines; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < horizontalBytes; x++)
message [y] [x] = (7) << 4;
// disable Timer 0
TIMSK0 = 0; // no interrupts on Timer 0
OCR0A = 0; // and turn it off
OCR0B = 0;
// Timer 1 - vertical sync pulses
pinMode (vSyncPin, OUTPUT);
Timer1::setMode (15, Timer1::PRESCALE_1024, Timer1::CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE);
OCR1A = 259; // 16666 / 64 uS = 260 (less one)
OCR1B = 0; // 64 / 64 uS = 1 (less one)
TIFR1 = _BV (TOV1); // clear overflow flag
TIMSK1 = _BV (TOIE1); // interrupt on overflow on timer 1
// Timer 2 - horizontal sync pulses
pinMode (hSyncPin, OUTPUT);
Timer2::setMode (7, Timer2::PRESCALE_8, Timer2::CLEAR_B_ON_COMPARE);
OCR2A = 63; // 32 / 0.5 uS = 64 (less one)
OCR2B = 7; // 4 / 0.5 uS = 8 (less one)
TIFR2 = _BV (TOV2); // clear overflow flag
TIMSK2 = _BV (TOIE2); // interrupt on overflow on timer 2
// prepare to sleep between horizontal sync pulses
set_sleep_mode (SLEEP_MODE_IDLE);
// pins for outputting the colour information
pinMode (redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (bluePin, OUTPUT);
} // end of setup
// draw a single scan line
boolean doOneScanLine ()
// after vsync we do the back porch
if (backPorchLinesToGo > 0)
return false;
} // end still doing back porch
// if all lines done, do the front porch
if (vLine == verticalPixels)
return newFrame;
// pre-load pointer for speed
register char * messagePtr = & (message [messageLine] [0] );
delayMicroseconds (1);
// how many pixels to send
register byte i = horizontalBytes;
// blit pixel data to screen
while (i--)
PORTD = * messagePtr++;
// stretch final pixel
nop; nop; nop;
PORTD = 0; // back to black
// finished this line
// every 16 pixels it is time to move to a new line in our text
if ((vLine & 0xF) == 0)
return false;
} // end of doOneScanLine
float radians = 0;
const float pi = 3.1415926;
const float radiansIncrement = (pi / 2.0) / (horizontalBytes / 2);
byte x;
boolean Up = true;
byte colour = 0;
boolean Calc = true;
void advanceLine ()
if (Calc)
x = sin (radians) * horizontalBytes;
if (Up)
radians += radiansIncrement;
if (radians >= pi / 2)
Up = false;
radians -= radiansIncrement;
if (radians <= 0)
Up = true;
radians = 0;
Calc = false;
memmove (& message [0] [0], & message [1] [0], sizeof message - horizontalBytes);
memset (&message [verticalLines - 1] [0], (colour + 1) << 4, horizontalBytes);
memset (&message [verticalLines - 1] [0], colour << 4, x);
Calc = true;
newFrame = false;
void loop()
// loop to avoid overhead of function call
while (true)
// sleep to ensure we start up in a predictable way
sleep_mode ();
if (doOneScanLine ())
advanceLine ();
} // end of while
} // end of loop