Uhf reader wifi communication

Hi.. i’m usig uhf rfid reader with wifi communication instead of rs232, then how to make coding to connect the reader with esp32

what uhf rfid reader?
do you have a datasheet?
a schematic of the reader?
a pinout diagram?

we have expectations of people who ask questions

d2898de21765d3eaaf5d50b17fb7175e.pdf (1.6 MB)

But where are the specifications for using your WIFI connection? Certainly NOT in the PDF you linked to?

I buy the product and choose wifi communication connection, so it doesn’t come with rs232..

Did you order the "Software Pack (optional): API Software Development Kits complete with VB,C#SampleProgram"?

Maybe download the documentation from here:

What i see in picture are general mode connectors, it says nothing about the protocol.

The USB connection is obvious. The three-wire connector is for "Weigand" protocol. The four-wire connector is for RS485.

I assume the WiFi connection doesn't use a wire. :slight_smile:

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