Unable to make I2C Sensor Work, Please Help

I'm incredibly new to Arduino, and, while I have fairly extensive coding experience, I have a similarly pathetic understanding of C++. Disclaimers aside, I think I have a pretty simple problem here.

My collegiate racing team recently got our hands on a temperature sensor that uses the I2C protocol. I found a really nice data sheet that I used to wire up the pins (https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/418/8/ENG_DS_TSD305_A2-1517797.pdf), but when I run the default test program in the TE library (GitHub - TEConnectivity/TSD305_Arduino_Library: Arduino library for the TSD305 sensor) I just get a sensory disconnected message. I have the SCL pin connected to 19 and SDA to 18 on my teensy 4.0 (Wire Arduino Library, connecting I2C (TWI) devices to Teensy), and I tried (though I could have definitely done it incorrectly) editing the driver code to force the SCL and SDA pins to 16 and 17 (which I then connected the sensor to). A multimeter revealed that the sensor was receiving 3.3 volt power, and, as far as I can tell, nothing should be preventing it from working. Does anyone have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?

Looking at your schematic I see there are no pull up resistors, those should be in the 3K range to the 3V3 power source. Next get a copy of the I2C scanner and run that and let us know what the results are. You should get 0x1E per the data sheet. Let us know how it works out.

Sorry, but what's a cop? I'm really new to this stuff.

"copy". The I2C scanner is one of the examples in the Wire library and is a quick check to see what the Arduino can actually detect on the I2C bus.

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It is copy, somewhere the Y got lost. van_der_decken is correct.

I tried working on this yesterday, but we had some problems with our oscilloscope, and I can't quite remember if we ever figured out for sure if the sensor was working correctly. I'll try and reverify this over the weekend and get back with the results. (I did try adding a pull up resistor of 3kohms to the SDA pin and the sensor still didn't say it was connected.)

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