I'm incredibly new to Arduino, and, while I have fairly extensive coding experience, I have a similarly pathetic understanding of C++. Disclaimers aside, I think I have a pretty simple problem here.
My collegiate racing team recently got our hands on a temperature sensor that uses the I2C protocol. I found a really nice data sheet that I used to wire up the pins (https://www.mouser.com/datasheet/2/418/8/ENG_DS_TSD305_A2-1517797.pdf), but when I run the default test program in the TE library (GitHub - TEConnectivity/TSD305_Arduino_Library: Arduino library for the TSD305 sensor) I just get a sensory disconnected message. I have the SCL pin connected to 19 and SDA to 18 on my teensy 4.0 (Wire Arduino Library, connecting I2C (TWI) devices to Teensy), and I tried (though I could have definitely done it incorrectly) editing the driver code to force the SCL and SDA pins to 16 and 17 (which I then connected the sensor to). A multimeter revealed that the sensor was receiving 3.3 volt power, and, as far as I can tell, nothing should be preventing it from working. Does anyone have any ideas what I might be doing wrong?