Unable to upload

Hello all,
I am using Mac OS X 10.9.2 and Arduino Uno R3. I can upload any sketch into my Arduino; but I've ordered another Atmega328P-PU IC and changed with the one on my Uno board. Now I can't upload any sketch and it says "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding". When I changed back to original IC, I can upload. Can anyone please help me because I want to use the new IC on an hand made PCB for my graduation project. Thanks in advance.

... but I've ordered another Atmega328P-PU IC..

With a bootloader installed?

I really don't know but I've tried to burn bootloader and that also failed with a error of unable to find usb.

Well, you know where you bought it. Was it advertised as "with bootloader"?

No it is not advertised as "with bootloader". And my opinion is it has no bootloader; but I can't burn bootloader I've tired to burn.

If you want help you are going to have to provide more details than "I can't burn bootloader".

I gave more info in my previous post but I can give more info. When I tried to burn bootloader I encountered an error: "avrdude: usbdev_open(): did not find any USB device "usb".

[SOLVED] Ok done burning bootloader and IC works like a charm.