Uno R4 Wifi switches to Bootloader mode

My Uno R4 wifi switches to bootloader mode (flashing LED on pin 13) during uploading so an error message is given saying no board found when there is clearly one connected. This is the same on Arduino IDE and on Arduino IOT Cloud. Please advise how to solve this and how to stop it happening.
Thanks. Anthony Sullivan

did you update the firmware in the esp32 S3?

No; I assume that it will tell me when I need to do that. I have gone to the Arduino help page and it tells me to:

  1. Download
    but when I click on this it just says "Not Found". Wonderful. Computing should not be so difficult.

Hi @anthonyalansullivan. Instructions are available here for updating the firmware to the latest version:

(they are in the release announcement for the older 0.2.0 release of the firmware, but they are actually just general purpose instructions for updating to the newest firmware)

For an easier method, use the "Firmware Updater" feature of Arduino IDE 2.2.0 by following these instructions:

Because the latest version 0.3.0 of the firmware was released only hours ago, it isn't yet available when using Arduino IDE. But the problem with uploading via USB should be fixed even if you only make the update to the 0.2.1 version that is available when using Arduino IDE. Today's 0.3.0 release was made to add support for OTA uploads via Arduino Cloud.

Just for your information, I tried to update manually to 0.3.0.

It worked to update and I added it successfully to Arduino Cloud and it sees that it runs 0.3.0.

|Type:|Arduino UNO R4 WiFi|
|Connection Type:|WiFi|
|Connectivity Module Firmware:|0.3.0|

But OTA still does not work, the usual "No associated device found". I run paid "Entry" plan so OTA should be enabled account wise.

So I guess someone also needs to update the cloud to turn on OTA for Arduino Uno R4 Wifi with >= 0.3.0 firmware.

Looking forward for it. Will be game changer.

Hope it helps.

the other parts of Cloud OTA are in the unreleased core version, IotCloud library and I guess they have to enable it on the Cloud too.

but in local network you can use upload from IDE with my ArduinoOTA library

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Many thanks; all working well now.

You are welcome. I'm glad it is working now.

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