"Updated Topics" equivalent

I used to keep a tab on my browser that enabled me to quickly check for new messages in threads ("topics") to which I'd contributed, using https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?action=unreadreplies

I now get " Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private."

Where is the equivalent?

I'm sure I'm not the first to comment that if Arduino steamrollers changes over the community that made it what it is, then it will lose goodwill rapidly.


Maybe https://forum.arduino.cc/unread

It seems to include some posts that you "participated in" but did not "reply to". Once you have read all of the updates you are still interested in, click on "Dismiss..." and check the box to indicate that you are not interested in any further replies to the remaining topics.

Thanks John, I'll see if I can work out something usable... but so far what I see of the new stuff doesn't impress me.

There was discussion on EEVBlog a few months ago with some users advocating moving from the "outdated" SMF software. I guess that Arduino is demonstrating how not to do it.

Of course, I'm spoilt since I'm used to decent Usenet readers with proper threading, and to properly-threaded discussions on CIX (which you've probably only heard of if you're in the UK, and maybe not even then).


If the "Unread" heading is being displayed it will have a number alongside it indicating how many topics with new posts there are that you have contributed to or are following but which you have not read

@ MarkMLl
Try each of the buttons in the second forum heading row, Categories, Latest, New and Unread. They all do something different and you can create shortcuts to them if you want

CIX is an example of something that nearly made it big but was perhaps too early and didn't evolve. I used it way back from the time that it was a CLI only system on a dialup line at 9600 baud, through an early offline reader named Query, then Ameol but did not get on at all with the online forum (sound familiar ?) and I still have a free account but only occasionally dip into it

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