USB 2.0?

I have loaded all the files for windows 7, both admin and non admin versions, and Sketch (IDE), Uninstalled and reinstalled the latest java. UNO is not recognized, I only get a "USB 2.0" driver missing error, and can't get the card recognized, and Ardiuno debug in command prompt, gives me 4 or 5 java exception errors and IDE won't open.

What board are you trying to use? Is it a clone? If so, what interface chip does it use (look at the chip close to the USB connector)?

UNO board. CH340G? Might be CH3406


Have you installed the drivers for it?
They're not included with the IDE because none of the official boards ever used that one, and IIRC I did have to install them on Windows 7.

The drivers come in a file named CH341SER, and the engrish in the installer does not inspire confidence - but at least for me, they work great.

Nice thank you. I did find this and was able to get from USB 2.0 to Arduino UNO com port 10 lol

I will find the files for the chip, thanks for that.

Is it a idea to make a stickey for CH340 etc. At least with the link to: ???