USB serial stopped showing up as port

Hello, help please!

I've been using my Arduino Nano v3 with my Mac quite happily for a while now with no issues, however I lent it to a friend (Windows) and now it's stopped appearing in the Tools > Port list on both our laptops...

The reason I lent it to him was because he had tried connecting another Nano he had just bought to his computer but it wouldn't work at all so he concluded that it was faulty - mine briefly worked for him to upload one sketch but then it started showing this behaviour. It seems like his laptop did something to the board itself...

The Arduino shows up in my Mac's system report as 'FT232R USB UART' but doesn't show up in the list when I scan ports in Terminal via 'ls -al /dev/tty.*'. I've tried reinstalling drivers - didn't help.

Any thoughts??


95% likely bricked by the 2.12 FTDI windows driver.