Use the extra Serial with Minima using pins (23, 24) for SWD connector


I would like to use additional Serial communication with R4 Minima.
The required baud rate is 115200 thus I guess that I cannot use SoftwareSerial.

Pin7 (P502, 24) and Pin 8 (P501, 23) of the SWD connector look available for the extra Serial communication as RxD and TxD, respectively. However, the pins are not defined as Serial pin in the core source.

On the other hand, 3 pins are defined for R4 WiFi.

and the pins used for Serial.

They use the same MCU, thus I guess we have a way to use the pins as the Serial.
How can I use the pins as an extra Serial without editing core code?

What do you mean by

How many serial ports do you require, noting that the R4 has Serial1 on pins 0 and 1 rather than Serial ?

I need USB-serial (Serial) and two more (Serial1 and Serial2).

Thanks for the clarification