Using a Honeywell Sensor with I2C

I am new to I2C and am a bit confused with how to actually read data from a Sensor. I have wired a Honeywell Zephyr Sensor to my Arduino and want to read Flow, Temperature and Pressure Data.

here is the Datasheet of the Sensor:

I have the Wire.h library installed but now I dont know how to get data. I know how I2C works but am a bit lost with the Datasheet. How do I get the Sensor Adress? How do I read the Data? How do I convert the Data to Bar/°C/ (liter/min)

Thank you in advance!

Hello adristo

Welcome to the worldbest Arduino forum ever.

Take a search engine of your choice and ask the WWW for 'Honeywell Zephyr Sensor +arduino' to collect some data to be sorted out to get the needed information.

Have a nice day and enjoy coding in C++.

Hey there! I used the recommended library. Unfortunately, when blowing through it still gives 0 SLPM. I used the example code but changed the type to SLPM

What were the results of your I2C scan and what value are the I2C pull up resistors?

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