I have set up an Arduino Uno to read 3 temperature sensors as well as a moisture sensor via analog and output these values to an LCD screen. I have installed this and tested it and it's working the way I expected.
I'm now looking for a way to be able to read this data remotely. I have ordered a WiFi shield and I've researched how to connect the shield up to an internet connection, so I'm not worried about that. But I haven't been too successful in finding a good way to access the data remotely. Ideally I'd be hoping to send all those above values along with their timestamps to some remote location for me to read when I'm away ( so basically sending 4 temperature/sensor values, along with their timestamps).
So far I've only found a video of how to send to one's own website and display the numbers on a placeholder page. But I don't have a website and ideally I'd like to be able to look at the recent history of those values, on an X/Y graph if possible.
I'll continue looking this up myself, but I'm wondering if there's a suitable website where you could make an account and set it up for the arduino to send the information to over the network and visualise on there? Any guidance appreciated
My choice would have been an 8266 module but here nor there. You make no mention of distance? How far are we sending the data and to what on the receiving end? What temperature range and what temperature sensor are employed?
What do you mean distance? I would be looking to send it using internet, and access it from (theoretically) anywhere. Receiving end literally just reads and stores data for me to view.
I'm using DallasTemperature to read the temperature sensors, but I would be looking to send them as floats.
There are ways of doing what you want, but they are fairly technical. If it were trivial, the bad guys would be stealing all your information.
Are you aware of the Arduino cloud? You can get that UNO to send the data to the cloud and then you can look at it anywhere. There is a free plan to give it a try, and fairly cheap option for more data. Goto https://www.arduino.cc
If you have an arduino ID just click the cloud icon, otherwise sign up.
Do you want me to pick? I say put a computer and let it connect over a TCP socket to some Python code. Treat it much in the same way you would treat serial data. The Python program receives and saves to a file maybe?
IDK, you're the one who wants to do this stuff. So maybe you should give the requirements.
IDK, you're the one who wants to do this stuff. So maybe you should give the requirements.
I did..? I said I want it stored somewhere so I can access it remotely. I don't know what you're referring to about TCP and python. I assumed there'd be some sort of cloud storage I could link it up to and send it across to that (I'm new to this so perhaps not, but this seems like the kind of thing that should exist).
Others have said Arduino cloud is a potential option, so I'm going to check out that first
It's a little different, just go slow, follow somebodies guide and it will work. A fair amount of code is written for you by you just clicking things on a wen page. I think you will like it. There is also a phone app called IoT Remote. Here are some screen shots of a free demo app that shows all kinds of iPhone sensor data. All done without ever doing any coding.
The arduino cloud would have been perfect but unfortunately we're using an Uno R3 with an ethernet shield. And the cloud is not compatible with the Uno R3 for some reason, so had to can that idea even though it would have been nice.
Found out about ThingSpeak, and got a solution going there. Thanks for your suggestion, would have been perfect but for the board