using Genuino UNO micro controller

Hi There,

I am new to this kind of projects, so i need help to do this LED RGB light project for the water fall fountain.

i saw this project of the LED light in the youtube link given below. i wan to do some thing like that;

on the Arduino site i found 2 micro controller Genuino UNO boards, one with USB and the other with the Ethernet, what i want to know is;

  1. On the Ethernet based Micro controller, is it possible to program the board through ethernet, connected to our home LAN network?

  2. can i connect a lux or light sensor to automate the process. i want the lights to get ON when it starts get dark and morning time to swith off the LIghts?
    if so kindly help me choose the sensor that is compatible with the Genuino UNO controller.

thank you,


  1. On the Ethernet based Micro controller, is it possible to program the board through ethernet, connected to our home LAN network?

No. The Arduino can only be programmed when connected to the PC with a USB cable.

  1. can i connect a lux or light sensor to automate the process.

Yes, of course.

if so kindly help me choose the sensor that is compatible with the Genuino UNO controller.

You'd be hard-pressed to find such a relatively dumb device that was NOT compatible.

I would suggest a Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) for the light level sensor. LDRs are very inexpensive and easy to interface to an Arduino. interfacing LDR show how the LDR is used.

  1. On the Ethernet based Micro controller, is it possible to program the board through ethernet, connected to our home LAN network?

I think something like that would require a big bootloader change to accept a new .hex file via Ethernet and write it to flash.
Bootloader on a '328P can be up to 4K bytes (4096), so technically it may be possible.

While you can't program the Arduino over Ethernet, the LEDs could be controlled with commands sent over the Ethernet.

These commands could be sent all sorts of ways. With an expensive Bluetooth module, you could control the LEDs with a smartphone. You need an app for the smartphone but I think there's some free ones available to do this sort of thing.

many thanks for your help....

want to know where can i get the RGB LED light chasing, program code.