Using multiple limit switches on one ground with 3 different outputs


Im in the middle of designing a pcb for a project. This project has stepper motors that get homed via limit switches. While designing the pcb I ran into a possible electronic problem.

So I was wondering if I connect things via like circuit shown in the attacted image if it's possible to get multiple output readings.

thanks in advance

Black wire: GND
Red wire: 3.3V
Green wire: Wire to digital pin

Why bother when you can use the internal pull-up resistors in your Arduino? One side of the switch to the pin and the other side to ground.

thanks lol, did not realize that was a thing :slight_smile:

And have the limit switch normally closed.
Because an opening switch is more reliable long-term than a closing switch.

Not sure what you are trying to say, but clearly if you connect all three inputs together, there is no point using three input pins. :roll_eyes:

Thanks for the feedback I'll keep this in mind

Then how would I get 3 different inputs from the limit switches on one pin. I haven't seen a different method to get what limit switch is pressed. The fact that I can get the different outputs is the whole reason why I asked the orginal question


Why do you need all three on one pin?

The clip in your first post makes no sense, all the switches are connected in parallel then all three inputs D2, D3, D4 are connected together to the same connection.

Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks... Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

Well, that does not exactly make sense, does it? :cold_sweat:

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