Using NodeMCU or ESP32 devkitC with ESP32 Dev module option

I have a NodeMCU board and I want to upload the code using the option "ESP32 Dev Module" in the board menu because I want to change the partition scheme wich is not available in the NodeMCu option. However i get an error "port doesn't exist ".
Also, I'm considering to get ESP32 devkitc board to solve that but I'm not sure if it will work with this option.

I have a ESP32 Dev Kit and it does work with "ESP32 Dev Module" in the board menu , I have not tried the NodeMCU board. Were you not provided with documentation from where you purchased the board?

When the NodeMCU board is connected does it show the port number in device manager?

Why would you expect that to work ?

You might just as well select Nano as the board and try to upload code to a NodeMCU

The ESP32 and ESP8266 use different processor chips

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No. I don't have documentation
The port is shown in the device manger and I can upload the code only when I choose NodeMCU from the board menu but once I choose esp32 dev module it shows the port error

No surprise there as you are not using an ESP32

I read somewhere that this option works with most esp32 boards
The Nano option is not working as well .
Maybe I need to install some driver? or is it irrelevant :melting_face:
Also I think mine is esp32 based cuz it's written from the back.

I am sure that it does but is your NodeMCU an ESP32 board ?

Thanks for your reply
isn't the NodeMCU ESP32 based?
I saw the word "ESP-32s" written in the back :melting_face:
Also, chat GPT advised me to use this option to change the partition scheme lol .

The NodeMCU is ESP8266 based but I believe that there is also a NodeMCU ESP32 board

Which one have you got ?

I didn't purchase this one, so I don't know much about it .
But I'm using the ESP32 library with it and it worked with the "NodeMCU" option in the ESP32 board submenu .
Also, is there any way to know that from the board itself?
The processer is ESP-WROOM-32
and form the back (ESP-32s)

Then it is an ESP32 board

Can you upload code to it if you set the board to "ESP32 Dev Module" ?

No, with this option I got this error:
A fatal error occurred: Could not open COM5, the port doesn't exist
Failed uploading: uploading error: exit status 2

Please post a clear picture of your board or a link to where you got it from

Maybe that's not the correct COM port ?

I only have one port in the menu.
How do I check if it's the correct one?
(This port worked when I choose NodeMCU board)

Unplug the board from the PC
Which COM ports, if any, are visible in the IDE ?
Set the board to ESP32 Dev Module
Plug the board into the PC
Which COM ports, if any, are visible in the IDE ?

When it's unplugged there are no ports in the IDE
When I plugged it in , the port com5 is visible.

Leave the board plugged in
Set the board type to ESP32 Dev Board
Set the port to COM5
Start a new sketch but don't add to it
Upload the sketch

Does it upload correctly ?

No it doesn't. I got the same error.